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Electron Probe Instrumentation Center - EPIC - part of NUANCE

2220 Campus Drive

EPICTEM, Cook Hall, 1154EPICSEM, Cook Hall 1114

Evanston, IL 60208

United States

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Primary Contact:

Vinayak P. Dravid

Last Updated: 01/31/2025

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The Electron Probe Instrumentation Center (EPIC- NUANCE) offers a wide range of electron microscopy (both transmission and scanning), accessory instrumentation, and expertise to the scientific and engineering community through education, collaboration, and service. The laboratory provides facilities for the preparation and examination of many types of bulk and thin specimens (foils/films), fine particles, and replicas, including biological materials, by transmission and scanning electron microscopy.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of Northwestern University