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Immune Monitoring Core (Immune Function / Monitoring / Surveillance)

Northwestern University

300 E. Superior St., Tarry 11th Floor

Chicago, IL 60611

United States

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Primary Contact:

James Mathew

Last Updated: 05/10/2023

Facility RRID


Facility Details

Sequential monitoring of the human immune system by studying the peripheral blood and even bone marrow and allograft (biopsy) compartments in tissue and organ transplantation had its origins in the 1970s. Ex vivo assays of T, B, NK and APC function have become much more sophisticated today and  include the detection and definition of unique cell subsets and intra- and extra- cellular molecules. Their defined function and inter-relationships in human organ and tissue transplantation requires the use of technology based on in vitro immune cell assays, molecular  immunoassays, proteomics,  genomics and even humanized mouse models, i.e. cellular and molecular immunology that is in continuous evolution. For each of these investigative paths expertise has become more specialized needing dedicated faculty, pre- and post-doctoral fellows and technologists, as well as instrumentation and dedicated work space.

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