The CoreMarketplace (CM) is a searchable list of active core facilities. A Core, broadly defined, is a facility that performs scientific research. Research cores are often (but not always) part of a higher education institution and provides services and assistance around their particular area of expertise.
The purpose of the CM is to provide this directory of research facilities to the scientific community as well as tools and resources to enhance the visibility of the research facility. The CM also furthers research by highlighting citable resources within a profile for scientific publication.
The CM is free to search and free to list. We do not sell or share contact information outside of what the CM makes publicly available. All information about a core is volunteered from within the core itself. A core is free at any time to see the data we have collected regarding their profile. Also a core is free to remove their data from the CM at any time.
Because we rely entirely on the individual cores for accurate information, we encourage every core via quarterly email communications to revisit their profile and update it as necessary.
The CM has partnered with the Research Resource Identification (RRID) project to enable facility features to be identified and tagged with unique, persistent, citable identifiers. These RRID tags make it easier to cite a facility or the equipment in that facility in scientific research. By adding a facility profile in the CM, that core will obtain an RRID that can used and shared in any publications involving that facility.
The CM has a long history with the Association of Biomedical Research Facilities (ABRF) and their regional chapter organizations, providing this directory to publish their member's facility details.
The CM was initially created by the Vermont INBRE and enjoys continued support from it.