Configure Your CoreMarketplace Site Widget

Would you like a web page listing all the facilities at your institution? Let the CoreMarketplace do it for you.



Your Web Site

Our listing widget creates a snippet of code you can put on your website that will list all the facilities within your institution listed on the CoreMarketplace and link both to their site and CoreMarketplace listing. The widget pulls live data from the CoreMarketplace so as your facility details change on the CoreMarketplace, your web page automatically updates.

Get Started Here
  • Enter your institution below.
  • Enter a name for your institution (if you want to use a different name that what's given)
  • Click submit. Copy the offered code on a page in your website

Select your Institution (type to see list):

Add Your Institution Name (optional):

CoreMarketplace InfoNew to the CoreMarketplace? Start here.Learn how you can improve visibility and citability for your facility.
Using Your RRIDLearn how get more RRID mentions and increase citability for your facility. Increase Awareness of your RRID.