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NUFAB: NU Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility

2145 Sheridan Road

EG20-NG32 Technological Institute

Evanston, IL 60208

United States

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Primary Contact:

Nasir Basit

Last Updated: 01/31/2025

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Facility Details

NUFAB is an advanced microfabrication and nanofabrication research facility at Northwestern University. It provides resources for research in MEMs/NEMs, nano-bio, nano/microelectronics, and other related and interdisciplinary areas to Northwestern University community and outside researchers. It currently resides in EG20-NG32 Tech Institute and has all new research equipment. Please check the equipment list on this site. In 2012, it will relocate to a new clean room facility at FG infill that is under construction. For more information about this facility, click here.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of Northwestern University