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Behavioral Phenotyping Core Facility (Behavioral Research)

Northwestern University

303 E. Chicago Avenue,

Ward Bld., Room 7-140

Chicago, IL 60611

United States of America

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Primary Contact:

Craig Weiss

Last Updated: 05/01/2024

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The Behavioral Phenotyping Core (BPC) helps investigators examine their mice and rats for changes in behavior. BPC's mission is to make available to funded research projects a facility to determine the behavioral effects of genetic manipulations, potential pharmaceuticals, aging, and other manipulations upon normal behavior, and the learning and memory capacities of rodents used as model systems. We can also work with PIs needing to gather pilot data. For more information about this facility, click here.
Individuals wishing to use the BPC are encouraged to contact Dr. Craig Weiss during the design stage of the project. 
The selection of animal strain, age and gender should be considered carefully.  Contact Dr. Weiss to discuss  selections.  For a discussion of gender differences affecting research with humans see:
On-line reservation calendar: The BPC has multiple assays in the same room and even multiple assays in the same chamber.  This arrangement maximizes flexibility and efficiency within our limited space, but it precludes the use of an on-line reservation calendar.  Scheduling is done by emailing either Mary Kando ( or Dr. Weiss ( 

Facility Policies

Services are not offerred outside of Northwestern University

Consulting is offerred outside of Northwestern University