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All Facilities >> Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center >> BIDMC-Flow Cytometry Core (Flow Cytometry and Microscopy)
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3 Blackfan Road
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John C Tigges
Last Updated: 02/03/2025
Committed to meet all of the flow cytometry needs for the BIDMC and the external research community, the Flow Cytometry Core facility offers state of the art instrumentation for routine flow cytometry and cell sorting.
It is continuously expanding with the newest software and machinery for both sorting and analysis, with the capability of up to 48 fluorescent parameters.
Services are offerred outside of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Consulting is offerred outside of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
High Dimensional Flow Cytometry Analysis
NanoFlow Cytometry Training Course
Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer
Flow Cytometer provides performance needed for sensitivity and resolution throughout all configurations. [Product Link]
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Cytek Aurora Spectral Analyzer
Prodigy incorporating a combination of patent-pending technologies that takes flow cytometry to the next level of performance and flexibility. With up to five lasers, three scattering channels, and 64 fluorescence channels, the Aurora suits every laboratory's needs, from to high complexity applications. A paradigm shifting optical design provides unprecedented flexibility, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring your system for each application. The state-of-the-art optics and low-noise electronics provide excellent sensitivity and resolution. Flat-top beam profiles, combined with a ly designed fluidics system, translate to outstanding performance at high sample flow rates. [Product Link]
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Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX Nano
Specifically designed for the analysis of nanoparticles, the CytoFLEX nano Flow Cytometer overcomes the limitations of traditional flow cytometry, giving researchers a sensitive, consistent and flexible solution that can help them advance their research. The CytoFLEX nano Flow Cytometer is a pivotal development in flow cytometry that allows users to analyze extracellular vesicles (EVs) at least as small as 40 nm* with ease while simultaneously offering up to 6 separate fluorescent channels of detection and 5 side scatter channels, to deliver full characterization and open additional avenues for your nanoparticle research.
Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX SRT
CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter is a benchtop sorter. It is capable of meeting requirements for a wide range of sorting needs. And like the CytoFLEX Platform, it includes innovative technologies that simplify the setup and operation, empowering investigators to focus on the research questions. The Violet-Blue-Yellow Green-Red (V-B-Y-R) Series has 15 fluorescent detectors when fully activated. It can be purchased with as few as five with an option to activate additional lasers and detectors with an activation key. It is capable of complex sort logic with different combinations of sort settings on each of four streams, including the ability to catch aborts of one of the other streams. An optional Biosafety Cabinet including aerosol evacuation or a standalone Aerosol Evacuation Unit is available. Capable of complex sort logic, including 4-way sorting, Mixed Mode sorting, and the ability to catch aborts and preserve precious cells Setup is smart and simplified, using automation to establish and maintain the sort stream Remote support ready using BeckmanConnect for on demand access to our technical specialists, perform many routine maintenance procedures independently Explore more resources about the CytoFLEX SRT benchtop sorter here.
Becton Dickinson FACSAria Symphony S6
The BD FACSymphony™ S6 System adds cutting-edge technology to the performance of the BD FACSAria™ Fusion Cell Sorter and the innovative optics of the BD FACSymphony™ A5 Cell Analyzer to power your scientific discovery. Configurable up to 50 parameters to define phenotypically distinct subpopulations and isolate populations previously only available for analysis Flexibility to sort subpopulations up to 6 ways or into plates or slides
Revvity Celigo
Celigo is a plate-based benchtop brightfield and fluorescent imaging system designed for whole-well live-cell analysis and cell sample characterization. The Celigo system images and analyzes cells in various types of vessels including 6 – 1536 well plates, T25, T75 flasks, 10 cm dishes, and glass slides without disturbing their natural state. Individual cell level analysis is easily generated, providing cell level insights unlike ELISA or protein-based assays, and at a faster rate than flow cytometry.
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Institution ROR ID:
ABRF, adherent cell cytometry, cell separation, flow cytometry, flow cytometry data analysis, flow cytometry training, fluorescence-activated cell sorting
Resource Type:
core facility, access service resource, service resource
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Flow Cytometry Core Facility (RRID:SCR_012305)
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