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Molecular Genetics Core Facility (Genomics / Genome Analysis and Technologies)

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Last Updated: 10/07/2024

Facility Details

The overall objective of the Molecular Genetics Core Facility is to provide high quality, low cost genomic technology services and expertise in a timely, affordable manner. Services offered include:

Nanopore PromethION sequencing
Electronic optical mapping on Nabsys
Optical Genome mapping on Bionano Saphyr
NGS (Illumina-based)
Sanger Sequencing
Single cell analysis/RNAseq
Transcriptomic spatial profiling
Gene expression analysis
Droplet Digital PCR & qPCR
Microsatellite/fragment analysis
SNP genotyping
Chromosomal microarray analysis
Sample prep & QC
Project consultation
Bioinformatics support

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Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of Boston Children's Hospital

Consulting is offerred outside of Boston Children's Hospital