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University of Pennsylvania Penn Dental Medicine Flow Cytometry Core Facility

University of Pennsylvania

United States

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Primary Contact:

Bruce Shenker

Last Updated: 06/15/2022

Facility RRID


Facility Details

Provides Becton Dickinson LSR II flow cytometer equipped with four lasers.Blue laser can be used to detect forward and side scatter and 4 colors (eg., FITC/Alexa 488, PE, PerCP-CY55, PE-CY7), red laser can be used to detect 2 colors (e.g., APC and APC-CY7), violet laser can be used to detect 2 colors (e.g., Pacific blue, Am cyan) and a UV laser which can also be used to detect 2 colors (e.g., INDO1 blue, Indo1-violet/DAPI). The instrument is located in Room 330 in the Levy Building (240 South 40th Street).