University of Pennsylvania
Established: 1740
Location: Philadelphia, United States
University of Pennsylvania
Established: 1740
Location: Philadelphia, United States
Alternate Identifiers
CrossRef Funder ID: 100006920
ISNI: 0000 0004 1936 8972
WikiData: Q49117
85 Core Facilities:
13 Service Outside the Institution
9 Consult Outside the Institution
3D Fabrication
Animal Facilities (Zebrafish, Fly, Mouse, Vivarium)
Data Science
Flow Cytometry
Gene / Micro RNA Expression
Genomics / Genome Analysis and Technologies
Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical)
Oncology (Translational)
Preclinical Modeling / Imaging
Embedding- Histology
3D Visualization
Animal Husbandry
Bioethics Consultation Support
Colony Management
Computational - Biostatistics
Computed Tomography (CT)
Confocal/ Super Resolution Microscope
Cryostat Histology
DNA Analysis
DNA Isolation
Data Analysis
Data Analysis And Interpretation
Data Processing
Data Processing And Interpretation
Data Visualization
Electronics & Fabrication Shop
Experimental Design
FACS Cell Sorting
Flow Cytometric Analysis
Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry Data Analysis
Fluorescence Lifetime
Fluorescence Microscope With Optical Sectioning Capability
HIS Mice Production
High Content Screening
High Dimensional Flow Cytometry Analysis
In-vivo Imaging
Laser Cutting/Engraving
Laser ScanningCell Sorting
Live Cell Imaging
Long Read Sequencing
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Metagenomics Analysis
Multiphoton Microscopy
Multiphoton/ Harmonic Generation Microscope
Nucleic Acid Extraction
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Processing &
Product Life-Cycle Management, Medical Device DevelopmentComputational - Bioinformatics
Project Management
RNA Integrity
RNA Isolation
Real-time qPCR
Rodent Study
SPECT ImagingConsultation
Sample Preparation
Scanning 20X Brightfield
Scanning 20X Fluorescent
Scanning 40X Brightfield
Sequencing - DNA Sequencing
Sequencing - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Sequencing - Pyrosequencing
Single-Cell Analysis
Single-cell Sequencing
Spectral Flow Cytometry
Spinning Disk Confocal Imaging
Super-resolution Microscopy
Surgical Services
Surgical Services10x Genomics
TIRF Microscopy
TrainingBioluminsecence Imaging
Veterinary PathologyConfocal Microscopy
Whole Genome SequencingElectronic Medical Device Prototyping
Widefield MicroscopyComputational - Bioinformatics
Xenograft / Xenotransplantation3D Printing
Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical)
Andrea Stout,Melike Lakadamyali,Mustafa Mir,Yihui Shen
Philadelphia, PA
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Animal Facilities (Zebrafish, Fly, Mouse, Vivarium)
Ken Cadwell
380 South University Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States of America
Our core, which is part of the PennCHOP Microbiome Program, provides access for researchers to isolators and the state-of-the-art Isocage system (individual sterile caging units) for variety of in vivo studies using germ free mice. Core personnel provide technical support for germ-free experiments. A new addition to core is the ability to perform "dirty mouse" experiments in which lab mice are exposed to a cocktail of pathogens typically excluded from specific pathogen free (SPF) facilities.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Animal Husbandry
Bioethics Consultation Support
Colony Management
Experimental Design
FACS Cell Sorting
Flow Cytometry
HIS Mice Production
Project Management
Rodent Study
Surgical Services
Xenograft / Xenotransplantation
Oncology (Translational)
3400 Civic Center Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States of America
Offers in vivo services specializing in immunodeficient and xenograft models (PDX, humanized immune system). Facility has dedicated BSL2 barrier space equipped with optical imaging, for applications ranging from immunotherapy, cancer biology, infectious diseases and regenerative medicine.
Offers services centered around repository of live and fully annotated cells from adult patients with hematologic malignancies (AML, ALL, MPN, MDS), and hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells from healthy donors (BM, CB, and FL).
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
502 Stellar-Chance Bldg. Perelman School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania, 422 Curie Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States
The core's services include molecular profiling of DNA and RNA on different platforms, Sanger sequencing, full service Next Generation Sequencing with different applications and bioinformatics, fragment analysis including human cell line authentication.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Tapan Ganguly
United States of America
Facility provides basic cell culture training and services in various cell culture and related procedures e.g. Mycoplasma and Endotoxin testing. Services include cell culture at various scales, expansion of primary cells, seed cell cultures from on site cell bank, cell storage; large scale growth of hybridoma and other cell lines followed by antibody purification by protein G column or recombinant protein production; EBV induced transformation of lymphocytes.Offers hybridoma generation by cell fusion and screening and, transfection of mammalian cells. Facility prepares specialized cell culture media, Drosophila media and, various tissue culture and molecular biological reagents.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
The Human Immunology Core (HIC) provides wet bench expertise and infrastructure support for early phase clinical trials and other investigations. The HIC offers online ordering of purified cell subsets from HLA-typed healthy human apheresis donors. HIC staff are internally and externally qualified to perform blood (PBMC) and tissue processing for viable cryopreservation following validated standard operating procedures. The HIC also offers a wide range of immunological assays including digital ELISA, ELISA, ELISPOT, Luminex, flow cytometry and immune repertoire profiling (NGS of BCR and TCR rearrangements in bulk and single cell formats). The HIC offers investigators expertise and guidance in study design, sample processing, regulatory compliance, immunology assay design and validation, data analysis and presentation, and grant writing support.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
3D Printing
3D Visualization
Laser Cutting/Engraving
Laser Scanning
3D Fabrication
Varvara Kountouzi
3610 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States
The Judith and William Bollinger Digital Fabrication Laboratory is proud to provide fabrication services and consultations contributing to innovation in teaching, learning, research, and clinical care at the University of Pennsylvania.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Allie Greenplate,Kaitlyn Baraldi
United States of America
The Immune Health Platforms group provides infrastructure and technical support for scaling clinical immune profiling of large scale clinical cohorts. The Platforms group provides biospecimen processing, sample storage, high-dimensional immune assays, computational analysis, and project management. Services are only available to investigators and teams whose cohorts have been approved by the Immune Health leadership.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Vladimir Muzykantov,Vladimir Shuvaev
United States of America
Our mission is to support advancement of RNA biotherapeutics via enabling swift and low-failure solutions of targeting-related aspects – rationally designed and encompassed by chance by the Institute investigators. The Core’s resources – unique wealth of methodologies, equipment, reagents, and first, strong and friendly team of accomplished researchers immersed in collaborative projects on targeted drug delivery for several decades, will provide comprehensive support in identification of epitopes and ligands, molecular design and testing of the targeting RNA to diverse multitudes of desirable addresses in the body.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Cell Sorting
Experimental Design
FACS Cell Sorting
Flow Cytometric Analysis
Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry Data Analysis
High Dimensional Flow Cytometry Analysis
Sample Preparation
Single-Cell Analysis
Spectral Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry
Derek Jones
297 John Morgan Building
3620 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States of America
Penn Cytomics & Cell Sorting Facility is the sole flow cytometry shared resource laboratory (SRL) at the University of Pennsylvania. The core has 35+ instruments, which include analyzers, cell sorters, and small particle detectors, as well as a dual-fluorescence cell counter/viability instrument and a tissue dissociator for cell preparation. The SRL staff provides both on-site and off-site support to instrument users, including analyzer and cell sorter training. The facility also has a research and development team that collaborates/consults with principal investigators in developing high-dimensional panels, as well as staining, acquisition, and analysis. The core has ~10 nearby satellite locations to accommodate instrument user needs.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Bioluminsecence Imaging
Computed Tomography (CT)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
SPECT Imaging
Preclinical Modeling / Imaging
Jim Delikatny
United States of America
Core provides comprehensive suite of imaging modalities including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), spectroscopy (MRS), optical imaging (including bioluminescence, fluorescence, and near-infrared imaging), computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and ultrasound (US). In addition, dedicated housing is available for mice and rats undergoing longitudinal imaging studies. Ancillary facilities and resources of SAIF are devoted to radiochemistry and image analysis.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Abigail Doucette,Peter Gabriel
United States of America
The Electronic Phenotyping Resource (EPR) is a shared resource of the Abramson Cancer Center dedicated to unlocking the power of electronic health records for clinical and translational research in cancer care. Electronic phenotyping involves querying electronic health record systems (EHRs) and other clinical information systems and databases to identify patients who meet a specific set of clinical characteristics. It can be used to support a variety of clinical and translational research pursuits, such as hypothesis generation, retrospective data gathering and hypothesis testing, research planning and grant preparation, subject recruitment for prospective clinical trials, and development of prospective research registries. The EPR provides consultative and technical services that leverage the oncology informatics team's deep expertise in clinical research informatics, intimate knowledge of the clinical information systems and workflows in use throughout the Penn Medicine Cancer Service Line, and unique and powerful "real world" data assets.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Data Science
James Lewis
United States of America
The Biomedical Data Science Core (BDSC) provides consultations and fee-for-service support in big data analyses using state-of-the-art methods of data science in biomedical and health research related to digestive disease and liver research. The BDSC provides a critical foundation for advancing the frontiers of biomedical research, providing cutting-edge analytical tools to help Penn researchers mine their rich and complex data. To facilitate human subject
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Provides wide range of biostatistical and epidemiological consulting services.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Kosha Ruparel,Ruben Gur
PA United States of America
The Neuroimaging and Cognitive Core (NICC) at the University of Pennsylvania’s Brain Behavior Laboratory aims to facilitate cutting-edge research in cognitive neuroscience through use of the Computerized Neurocognitive Battery (CNB) and neuroimaging. The CNB is comprised of a series of tests that have been applied in neuroimaging studies and can be used either in a scanner as part of a functional neuroimaging study or outside a scanner for measuring individual differences in performance. Tests measure accuracy and speed of performance in major domains of cognition, including executive-control functions (abstraction, attention, working memory), episodic memory (verbal, facial, spatial), complex cognitive processing (language reasoning, nonverbal reasoning, spatial processing), social cognition (emotion identification, emotion intensity differentiation, age differentiation) and sensorimotor and motor speed.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Shuying (Sheri) Yang,Yan Yan
PA United States of America
The Penn Dental Medicine Tissue Processing Laboratory is located in Room 429 of the Levy Building. The laboratory services, available to Penn Dental Medicine researchers as well as other University and outside investigators, include tissue processing; H&E staining, trichrome, and other staining; creation of frozen sections; and deparaffinization. The laboratory also features a cryostat for use by investigators within Penn Dental Medicine; cryostat training is available for a fee. Investigators requiring the services of the Tissue Processing Laboratory should contact the facility to arrange a meeting to set up the appropriate protocols. Special handling, specimen orientation, and any unique aspects of the tissue being processed will be discussed at that time; in some instances, it may be advantageous for the investigator to be present initially when the specimens are being oriented in the hot paraffin prior to the actual sectioning.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Gene / Micro RNA Expression
Drew Weissman
PA United States
The Engineered mRNA and Targeted Nanomedicine Core is designed to address infrastructural barrier to
clinical and translational research in gene therapy, vaccine development (cancer and infectious disease),
stem cell reprograming, and other non-viral gene therapy-based applications by providing high quality in
vitro transcribed messenger RNA (IVT-mRNA) and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). Our goal and focus are to lower the experimental barriers to PIs interested in exploring the mRNA technology, and lipid nanoparticles for various applications including tissue and cell targeting.
We offer the following services:
(1) Optimization and production of in vitro transcribed mRNA.
(2) Small-scale production of sequence optimized in vitro transcribed mRNA.
(3) Incorporation of modified nucleosides to modulate activity.
(4) Off the shelf in vitro transcribed mRNA encoding reporter genes (i.e. eGFP, mCherry, and Luc), or cancer antigens (i.e. OVA).
(5) Labelled mRNA (i.e. Cy 3, Cy 5.5, Cy 7) for nanoparticle tracking and microscopy.
(6) Encapsulation into commercially available proprietary (i.e. MC3, KC2 …) and non-proprietary lipid nanoparticles (i.e. DOTAP…) through the LNP core.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Heather W Collins
3400 Civic Center Blvd, bldg 421
12-183 Smilow
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States of America
Other CIDs:P30-DK19525
Core offers immunoassay, metabolite, and HPLC services to basic, translational, and clinical investigators performing diabetes and related metabolic disease research.RIA /Biomarkers Core is located on the 12th floor of Smilow Center for Translational Research. Approximately 100 different diabetes, obesity and metabolism-related biomarkers from multiple species including human can be assayed using radioimmunoassay (RIA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, both absorbance and fluorometric), multiplex ELISA on the Luminex platform, and enzymatic and HPLC methods for an expanding variety of diabetes and metabolism related metabolites, hormones, catecholamines and cytokines derived from blood, urine, and tissue samples.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Cryostat Histology
Fluorescence Microscope With Optical Sectioning Capability
Processing &
Embedding- Histology
Scanning 20X Brightfield
Scanning 20X Fluorescent
Scanning 40X Brightfield
Veterinary Pathology
Enrico Radaelli
3800 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States of America
Other CIDs:P30CA016520
Provides support to investigators utilizing animal models to study disease. Comparative Pathology Core, Abramson Cancer Center shared resource, provides expert pathological characterization and validation of mouse and other animal models used in biomedical research by offering expertise of board certified veterinary pathologists and access to histology, immunohistochemistry, and digital pathology services.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Confocal Microscopy
Confocal/ Super Resolution Microscope
Fluorescence Lifetime
High Content Screening
In-vivo Imaging
Live Cell Imaging
Multiphoton Microscopy
Multiphoton/ Harmonic Generation Microscope
Spinning Disk Confocal Imaging
Super-resolution Microscopy
TIRF Microscopy
Widefield Microscopy
Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical)
Gordon Ruthel
380 S University Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19144 - United States
The Penn Vet Imaging Core provides access to variety of light microscope systems to perform widefield, confocal, 2-photon/multiphoton, second harmonic generation, total internal reflection (TIRF), and high content imaging.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Computational - Bioinformatics
Computational - Biostatistics
Data Analysis
Data Analysis And Interpretation
Data Processing
Data Processing And Interpretation
Data Visualization
Danielle Mowery
3700 Hamilton Walk
A206 Richards Building
Philadelphia, PA 19003 - United States of America
The Institute for Biomedical Informatics (IBI) Clinical Research Informatics Core (CIC) provides data brokering and analytics services of clinical data for clinical and translational research in which the goal is to learn actionable healthcare knowledge and develop impactful solutions for improving patient care. We specialize in data extraction, integration, standardization, and analytics of clinical data from the electronic health record (EHR) as well as research databases including PennG&P, Penn COVID-19 i2b2 database, and the IQVIA Medical Record Database using artificial intelligence, natural language processing (NLP), ontologies, machine learning, and visual analytics. The CIC assists Penn/CHOP faculty, staff, and students with conducting research projects using electronic health record data. We also provide translation of research products into healthcare operations through coordination of projects with Penn Medicine Corporate Information Services, Penn Data Analytics Center, and the Center for Applied Health Informatics. The IBI CIC is a member of the Penn-sponsored Honest Broker program.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical)
Core provides personalized assistance on all aspects of imaging, from tips on sample preparation to training on one of our microscopes to assistance with image data analysis. Facility houses confocal microscopes, a Zeiss Z.1 Lightsheet system, three widefield light microscopes, and several computers dedicated to image processing and analysis. Offers scanning electron microscope sample preparation and imaging.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Surgical Services
Ling Lai
3400 Civic Center Blvd, Bldg 421, Smilow SCTR 11-222
Philadelphia, PA 19104-5159 - United States of America
The RCPC provides an array of services to: 1) assess cardiovascular function in rodents, including genetically modified lines; and 2) to provide validated surgical models of human heart and vascular disease in order to probe disease mechanisms and to assess therapeutic interventions. We will work with investigators to design and implement the study along with any associated grant applications, animal protocol submissions and manuscript preparation. While the central focus of the facility is cardiovascular research, the imaging and surgical techniques employed are often useful to investigators in other fields. Our Core staff will work with you to assess your specific needs and to provide necessary training and scientific assistance in animal protocol preparation. The Core runs on a fee-for-service model. Accordingly, investigators will be responsible for the costs incurred for their projects and prior animal protocol approval by Penn IACUC.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Thomas Schaer
United States of America
Supports discovery to invention to innovation in medical translation.Provides animal model development to enhance scientific rigor during in vivo studies in experimental or naturally occurring disease models. Studies can start on small scale leading towards pivotal non-clinical IND/IDE-enabling trials in support of FDA or OUS-FDA submissions. Core hosts PIs, trainees and sponsors during clinical procedures to support and enrich their experience in cross functional team setting.
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This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Facility provides centralized service to efficiently produce genetically altered mice for basic research. They include transgenic, chimeric and genome edited mice carrying transgenes or gene knockout and Knockin of specific interest. Core also provides embryo and sperm cryopreservation as well as in vitro fertilization and re-derivation of live and cryopreserved lines, along with long-term storage of cryopreserved samples.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Provides resources for disseminating human pluripotent stem cell technology within UPenn and surrounding research communities. Our services include derivation of patient specific iPSCs, genome engineering of stem cell lines using CRISPR/Cas9 technology, and lineage specific differentiation of iPSCs/hESCs in 2D and 3D organoid culture. Core has large collection of patient derived iPSC lines and cell lines of gastrointestinal tract (esophageal, pancreatic and intestinal) available to users. Committed to training investigators in stem cell culture techniques and providing quality tested stem cell reagents to users.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Dan Pryma
United States of America
Dedicated to continuing advancement of molecular imaging and seeks to build network of collaborators to conduct translational research using existing and new radiotracers to help better understand the diagnosis, physiology and treatment of multiple diseases. Educates referring clinicians and their patients about emerging benefits of PET/CT diagnostic procedures, other radiotracer imaging methods and radionuclide therapies as tools in their research and clinical practice.Provides opportunities and mentoring for individuals interested in pursuing work or collaborations within molecular imaging field. Provides scanners as well as cyclotron facility.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Shared resource machine shop serving various University of Pennsylvania Schools and Departments. Assists researchers to design and construct both laboratory and clinical instruments.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Joseph Baur
United States of America
Core (RMPC, formerly MPPMC) is metabolic core. Offers technology and phenotyping services to allow investigators to study metabolism in pre-clinical rodent models. Services include measurements of body composition (fat and lean mass) using NMR and DEXA, energy balance (food intake, locomotor activity, energy expenditure) using indirect calorimetry in either Columbus Instruments CLAMS system or Sable Systems Promethion System (with optional gas analyzer), and other in vivo metabolic phenotyping services (glucose clamps, insulin and glucose tolerance tests, telemetric monitoring of blood glucose or blood pressure, bomb calorimetry).
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Mission is to act as portal for research community into Bio-medical imaging resources of University of Pennsylvania. Goals include creating and maintaining access for research community to Bio-medical imaging technologies, enabling research investigators to benefit from Bio-imaging expertise and experience, and educating researchers about Bio-medical imaging options through targeted seminars, research fellowships, and established training programs.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Joel Karp
United States of America
Core focuses on imaging in nuclear medicine, and engages in collaboration with clinicians and research investigators to optimize new instruments for applications in both clinical and pre clinical (animal) imaging scenarios. Offers equipment to build, test and characterize detectors for PET imaging, operates cluster of high powered Linux computers, which reconstruct, process, and analyze imaging data. Focuses on technology, which increases signal to noise of reconstructed images for whole body studies. Conducts research on SPECT imaging with emphasis on applications to small animal and brain imaging, oversees operation of cyclotron and imaging probe synthesis facilities.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Michael Feldman
United States of America
Centralized biorepository of human biosamples. TTAB is responsible for the collection, processing, and storage of human blood, fluid, and tissue at the University of Pennsylvania Health System. TTAB has a collection bench within Surgical Pathology Suite at Hospital of University of Pennsylvania (HUP). Our collection bench sits adjacent to frozen section teams managing clinical sample collection and allowing for tight integration of tissue sample collection with clinical pathology teams.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Chandra (Sandy) Sehgal
United States of America
Develops new ultrasound technologies and clinical applications, to bridge gap between technology and clinical applications, and to provide ultrasound imaging resources to other research. Consists of core group of scientists, sonographers and technicians with expertise in ultrasound technology and computer programming. This group works with clinicians in multiple specialties; including radiologists, cardiologists and surgeons. Core provides ultrasound scanner, sonographer and part-time radiologist on staff to conduct clinical and pre-clinical imaging.Helps with studies involving measurement of angiogenesis, vascularity, tissue elasticity, contrast agents, and effects of various physical and pharmaceutical agents on blood flow and tissue vascularity. Studies include research on cancer, cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal disease.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Rick Bushman
United States of America
Offers Illumina sequencing and bioinformatic expertise to assist researchers with gene therapy trial evaluations, viral integration profiling, CRISPR off-target analyses. Assists with bioinformatic analyses including RNAseq transcription profiling and 16S taxonomic assignments.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Daniel Beiting
United States of America
Offers consultation and laboratory services for high-throughput sequencing (HTS) experiments, with particular expertise and interest in microbiome/metagenome and RNA-seq applications. Provides instrumentation, including Illumina NextSeq 2000 and single cell platforms from 10X genomics and 1CellBio. Offers full service options, as well as hands on instruction for trainees who want to learn best practices for wet lab aspects of genomics experiments. Offers consultation services for all phases of HTS studies, from study design to bioinformatics analysis.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Luca Musante
United States of America
Provides comprehensive or selected services in necessary isolation, quantification and characterization of EVs. Isolation of EV is based on size exclusion using high-performance (SEC-HPLC) or gravity fed (e.g. iZon column) liquid chromatography, ultracentrifugation, and/or density gradient ultracentrifugation. Accurately characterizes EV particle size distribution and concentration using resistive pulse sensing techniques (nCS1, Spectradyne, LLC). Immunophenotype can be accomplished using nanoscale flow cytometry and/or chip array (ExoViewTM) techniques. Provides services in training and education for individuals and lab groups in all methods above and study design consultation.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Bruce Shenker
United States of America
Provides Becton Dickinson LSR II flow cytometer equipped with four lasers.Blue laser can be used to detect forward and side scatter and 4 colors (eg., FITC/Alexa 488, PE, PerCP-CY55, PE-CY7), red laser can be used to detect 2 colors (e.g., APC and APC-CY7), violet laser can be used to detect 2 colors (e.g., Pacific blue, Am cyan) and a UV laser which can also be used to detect 2 colors (e.g., INDO1 blue, Indo1-violet/DAPI). The instrument is located in Room 330 in the Levy Building (240 South 40th Street).
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Bruce Freedman
United States of America
Provides access to optical imaging capabilities for researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and Wistar Institute. Provides instruments and expertise to perform widefield, confocal, multiphoton/intravital imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging, high content live cell screening, long term single cell imaging, second harmonic imaging, structured illumination super resolution, and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, as well as software tools for image analysis. Core has adjacent (in and out) ULAR approved facility to house animals for long term live animal studies.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Jibby Kurichi
United States of America
Provides LDI affiliated investigators access to high quality, skilled data analysts. HEDAP recruits, trains, and manages group of masters level and PhD level statistical analysts. These analysts work with multi disciplinary investigators across funded projects using statistical software packages such as SAS, Stata, and R to manipulate and analyze health care data under guidance of investigators and other collaborators.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Jibby Kurichi
United States of America
Provides secure environment for investigators analyzing protected health information. It coordinates acquisition, storage, and analysis of data from private and government sources (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, and others) and facilitates their use by researchers who seek to answer important questions regarding health policy and health care.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Kathy Boesze-Battaglia
United States of America
Offers wide array of live cell imaging applications.Provides Nikon A1R Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy system equipped with 4 laser lines to provide 6 different excitation/emission configurations; multiple photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), 32-channel spectral detector, full complement of microscope objectives, high speed image scanner, fully motorized stage and completely controllable environmental chamber. Users have access to NIS Elements AR software and 2D/3D deconvolution module offering sophisticated image analysis and processing features.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Kaitlyn Baraldi
United States of America
Core mission is to discover, create, characterize, treat, and share naturally occurring hereditary disorders in dogs and cats that are orthologous to those found in human patients. Provides expertise in discovering, characterizing, and developing therapies for genetic disease in dogs and cats, which serve as models of same diseases that occur in children. Specializes in molecular discovery of mutations, clinical phenotyping, biochemical and histological characterization, development of therapies which are translatable to human patients and preclinical trials in animal models of human disease.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Jeremy Wang
United States of America
Offers embryological manipulation services, focused on, but not limited to, murine model systems. These services primarily enable generation of genetically modified murine models, as well as experimental research in germ cell function and early embryonic development.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Jorge Henao-Mejia
United States of America
Core facilitates use of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology to generate novel mouse genetic tools.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
The ITMAT Bioinformatics Facility provide project based bioinformatics support for ITMAT translational researchers. Our focus has been on providing the computational infrastructure and programming support needed to conduct high-throughput proteomics experiments. We also support other genomics high-throughput technologies to a lesser extent. The projects range from building Web applications for data analysis pipelines, scripting, clinical and basic science research support, and database and algorithm development. Recent efforts have focused on explorations of new models of computation, specifically cloud computing and GPUs, for use in genomic scale research.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
David Mankoff
United States of America
The Clinical Imaging Core Service Center was developed in 2010 jointly between the Department of Radiology and the Abramson Cancer Center to support cancer clinical trials. Since then it has evolved to provided services throughout the Perelman School of Medicine. The core is divided into three categories: RADCORE, Tumor Response Assessment (TRAC) and Research imaging guided biopsies. RADCORE is staffed by dedicated clinical research professionals with a wide range of expertise of imaging based clinical research protocols. The services we provide range from consultation through fully management of research protocols. This team also includes our dedicated Radiology IND/IDE support office. Tumor Response Assessment Core (TRAC) is staffed by a core team of Radiologist skilled in evaluating tumor response imaging assessments for patients enrolled in cancer clinical trials being conducted at UPHS. Research imaging guided biopsies: Staffed by an Interventional Radiology and technical lead to provide consultation with investigator to define biopsy protocol and pathology tissue collection.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Core provides bioinformatics services that include data analysis and consultation and building of efficient pipelines that handle various biomedical data including Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Facility offers procedural and animal housing to perform in vivo research with biosafety level 3 pathogens, such as SARS-CoV-2. Services include consultation, specialized training, and basic/advanced technical services. Provides equipment to longitudinally monitor mice over course of infection. Animal housing space includes three ABSL-3 separate housing cubicles with Allentown BCU-2 animal cages. Animals will be housed under pathogen free conditions at AAALAC accredited University Laboratory Animal Resources facilities within Vernon and Shirley Hill Pavilion using animal protocols approved by Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Gary Wu
United States of America
The Penn Microbial Culture and Metabolomics Core provides aerobic and anaerobic culturing services and targeted metabolomics analysis, as well as consultation towards experimental design, method development, and data analyses. Culture studies include isolation of microbial taxa from mammalian samples; interrogation of the physiology of microbial strains under different conditions (e.g., anaerobic/microaerobic/aerobic, differing nutrient limitations) using isolated strains or strains obtained from culture collections (another service offered by the core); co-culturing of defined microbial consortia to investigate microbe-microbe interactions, and; preparation of microbial products (live bacteria, heat-killed bacteria, bacterial supernatants) from single or defined-mixed microbial cultures for use in mammalian cell culture and/or animal model systems. The metabolomics component of the core provides researchers with targeted metabolomics of amino, bile, and short chain fatty acids and features a Waters Acquity uPLC System with photodiode and QDa single quadropole mass detectors as well as an autosampler.
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The interdisciplinary Brain Science Center in the Penn Mahoney Institute for Neurosciences provides infrastructure support for research on human cognition, perception, affect, and disordered cognition in clinical populations. Currently supported infrastructure includes the Brain Science Center computing cluster, the UPenn Flywheel imaging informatics platform, the BSC Virtual Reality Lab, and behavioral testing facilities in the Richards and Goddard Labs.
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The Ovarian Cancer Research Center (OCRC) has opened a Tumor BioTrust Collection (TBC) to the Penn research community on July 1, 2018. Specimens that are available through the OCRC TBC include gynecologic cancer specimens such as fresh and frozen tissues, plasma, serum, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, blood, formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples, Tissue Microarrays (TMAs), and various types of samples collected from rapid autopsies. All samples collected have clinical annotation including demographic patient profiles, pathological & clinical notations, treatment history, and detail disease information, etc. We are building and maintaining a centralized research database according to HIPPA specifications and Penn IRB standards.
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Core provides services to users for performing precision, image guided radiotherapy with both Photons and Protons (including FLASH proton radiotherapy) on cells, rodents and larger animals. Physicists will provide expert dosimetry and treatment planning capabilities. Instrumentation consists of two image guided SARRP 200 Small Animal Radiation Research Platforms (Xstrahl) capable of irradiating rodent tissues from 1 mm-120 mm in diameter; research proton beamline (IBA, Roberts Proton Center); one X-RAD 320ix cabinet x-ray irradiator (Precision X-Ray); and two Cs gamma-ray irradiators (Shepherd Mark I), suitable for whole body radiation of rodents.
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Teji Khuran
United States of America
Core provides investigators with customizable tools and methodolgies to assess in vivo exercise performance, metabolism and respiratory function, as well as in vivo and ex vivo muscle contractility. Provides guidance and training to investigators who want to learn how to collect and process muscle samples for specific uses.
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Core provides equipment and services to investigate behavior phenotypes of models related to neurological and other disorders. Core is utilized by scientists across disciplines that are interested in behavioral consequences of unique physiological disruptions (e.g., metabolic, drugs etc.). Provides assessment of many domains of behavior including sensory, motor, social, communication, affect related behaviors and learning and memory. NTC was established in 2012 through generous startup funds from the Penn School of Medicine, the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT), Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology (CSCN) and Penn Medicine Neuroscience Center (PMNC).
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Ron Collman
United States of America
Core encourages and facilitates microbiome focused research in pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of patients with critical illness. Core assists in research by providing de-identified samples with linked clinical metadata to support research in this area, collect specimens as needed in support of microbiome research, and offer support for development of such research in the critical care setting.
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Chris Petucci
United States of America
Core is overseen by Cardiovascular Institute and is partnership with the Abramson Cancer Center and the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism at Penn. Provides expertise in targeted and untargeted metabolomics of biological samples using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Performs assays and assists in interpretation of results.
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Sara Cherry
United States of America
Core provides distribution of lentivirus based shRNA and cDNA plasmid DNA clones; technical expertise in developing biological assays (i.e. biochemical-, cell-, and high-content) in miniaturized, multiwell microtiter plates that are laboratory automation compatible; high-throughput chemical and functional genomic screening, including data analysis and interpretation. Our goal is to use cutting biological models to discover genes and small molecules that enable scientists to further study functions of poorly understood proteins, signaling pathways, and cells in complex biological process relevant to human physiology and disease.
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Dan Rader
United States of America
Core is division of Genetics Core Facilities, University service center to provide consultation, training, and services in areas of cell culture and hybridomas. Stockroom serves University of Pennsylvania investigators and affiliate institutions by coordinating relations with various suppliers of molecular biological research materials. This involves not only bulk purchasing of these products, but negotiation of discounts and convenient delivery arrangements. Special ordering of non regularly stocked products is available from 28 bioreagent vendors with discounted pricing and overnight delivery.
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Harold Litt
United States of America
CACTIS mission is to oversee proposed research protocols that involve human, animal, phantom or specimen studies in an effort to achieve two goals, to ensure that all research performed on CT scanners comply with CACTIS and University policy, and Federal Regulations, and to determine if CACTIS can maintain the resources required to carry out each research protocol, including personnel, software, hardware and scan time. Additionally, CACTIS oversees the day-to-day operations of all CT procedures associated with research protocols, provides information regarding the use of CT facilities to the research community at the University of Pennsylvania, provides CACTIS users with all of the policies of the institution governing research, and ensures that CACTIS is in compliance with these policies. The service center strives to support the Perelman School of Medicine’s research endeavors by providing CT research services for a fee designed only to cover actual costs.
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Core dedicated to development and application of innovative, novel magnetic resonance and optical imaging techniques. Provides research and computing resources for projects with focus on developing instrumentation, methodologies, and data analysis techniques for quantitative assessment of functional, structural, and metabolic parameters in humans with use of multinuclear magnetic resonance, novel spectral, perfusion, functional, and optical imaging techniques.
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Provides access to Magnetic Resonance scanners and expertise, oversight in responsible use and application of Magnetic Resonance in research through leadership, education, and guidance.Offers advanced clinical techniques; training in safe and efficient use of investigative tool and dissemination of current, accurate and evolving MR Technology; scheduling upgrades of MR Systems and facilities; scheduling systems operations and personnel within MR department; and receiving and acting on recommendations pertaining to administration of CAMRIS Facilities.
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Offers development and application of advanced computational and analytical techniques that quantify morphology and function from biomedical images, as well as on relating imaging phenotypes to genetic and molecular characterizations, and on integrating this information into diagnostic and predictive tools in era of personalized medicine. Computational methods can contribute significantly to automated, reproducible and quantitative interpretations of biomedical images. Translates advanced computational and analytical imaging methods to clinic, by providing forum in which interactions between researchers and clinicians facilitate bidirectional flow of ideas, algorithms and data between laboratory and clinic.
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Supports next generation infrastructure for clinical data storage and management, next generation analytics, next generation infrastructure for support of clinical research including new clinical trials management system and software, next generation infrastructure for centralizing and integrating external sources of data such as genomics data. Enables future clinical and translational research through biomedical informatics education and training targeted at graduate students, postdoctoral students, residents, fellows, as well as faculty across the biomedical research spectrum.
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CHPS is comprised of several Clinical Research Cores designed to facilitate research process. Provides resources, environment, operations, and training to support and promote high quality clinical and translational research by qualified investigators.
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Gui-shuang Ying
United States of America
Service supports consultation and collaboration in areas of biostatistics and epidemiology to Penn vision scientists. Biostatisticians and data management experts provide advice on study design, and offer services in sample size determinations, data management, data analysis, data interpretation, and data presentation. They are active participants in the development and writing of grant applications and manuscripts. Consulting personnel are CPOB members. In addition to their methodological and technical expertise, consultants are knowledgeable about ocular conditions under study in Penn vision community, about commonly used measures that are unique to vision research (visual acuity, refractive error, visual field indices, etc) and specialized statistical analysis techniques required for many experimental designs used in vision research (correlated data techniques to handle appropriately data from two eyes of same subject). Majority of projects are patient oriented researchers,however, CPOB Consulting Service also works on data analysis with bench laboratory scientists.
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Katherine Bar
United States of America
Facility provides comprehensive viral and molecular support in area of basic, translational and clinical HIV research, consultation, training, and mentoring.Is available to develop customized viral and molecular support services as needed. Offers deep sequencing support and single genome amplification services.
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Provides services essential for conduct of clinical research projects, including Phase I-IV, multi-center, randomized, clinical trials, registry, and cohort studies. Provides custom development solutions when appropriate for project needs and has experience in managing multi institution research networks as data coordinating center and offer expert staff with prime focus on quality data. Specializes in study design and development, site management and training, data collection, processing, quality control, regulatory requirements and reporting, database development, administration, security, data storage and proposal development.
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Linux based High Performance Computing resource available to faculty conducting research related to medical imaging and informatics. There are over 150 compute nodes with more than 5000 Intel Xeon CPUs and 58TB of RAM, over 100 GPUs, and 600TB of storage in the cluster. Facility management structure is designed to encourage data sharing and use of common software on this powerful resource, particularly in development of new software and application of imaging to new domains.
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Diane McGarvey
United States of America
Human tissue procurement service within Department of Pathology at HUP, that assists investigators with collection, processing and preservation of research samples. Our staff will personalize sample acquisition and processing to meet project requirements. Samples (malignant, normal, diseased, etc.) and biofluids can be preserved in a range of methods (fresh, frozen, fixed, etc.).
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Core supplies suspensions of neuronal cells prepared from rodent brain for various downstream applications, including primary cell culture. Supplies rat or mouse cells isolated from cortex or hippocampus either in suspension or plates. Custom dissection services are available for other brain regions or for user supplied genetically modified mice.
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Jonathan Katz
United States of America
Provides histological services, equipment, and technical expertise for processing and analyses of digestive, pancreatic, and liver tissues as well as three dimensional tissue culture models. Part of the Center for Molecular Studies in Digestive and Liver Diseases
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Peter Cronholm
United States of America
Fosters the use of qualitative and mixed methods research methodologies with focus on integrating key stakeholder perspectives and goals into research designs. Collaborates with investigators to address timely, pressing questions across diverse disciplines and works with investigators to provide conceptual as well as technical support for broad research programs, including clinical, community based, and implementation science research questions.
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Fred Letterio
United States of America
Designes and buildes novel instruments and apparatus for research to user specifications. Works with users to develop initial project drawing, and will explore alternate designs to insure desired functionality. Fabricates user devices to high tolerance, using machine tools and materials, and can repair laboratory devices even if devices were constructed elsewhere.
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Provides unique equipment and expertise to facilitate modern biophysical characterization and structural analysis of proteins and other biomolecules.
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Core works with existing resources to provide targeted study design and biostatistics support to ITMAT/CTSA investigators.Services include protocol review, study design, proposal development, and performance of simple to potentially substantial complex analyses. SDAB integrates support available with HUP and CHOP Center for Human Phenomic Science (CHPSs), expertise and resources of faculty in Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics / Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology (CCEB/DBE), Biostatistics Analysis Center (BAC), and Biostatistics and Data Management Core (BDMC) at CHOP.
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BioBank supports researchers by providing centralized access to large number of annotated blood and tissue samples.
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Doris Stoffers
United States of America
Provides support including experimental design, islet isolation, and performance of and/or training in range of assays for physiological, metabolic, and morphometric assessment of pancreatic islets as wells as many other tissues and cell types. Offers islet isolation and culture, free intracellular calcium ion measurements, quantitative oxygen consumption of pancreatic islets, electrode based closed cell respirometry, and access to Agilent’s Seahorse Extracellular Flux Analyzer XFe96.
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John Wherry
United States of America
CyTOF enables multi-parametric high-dimensional single cell analysis of more than 40 markers per cell, with minimal background and compensation issues. Core offers variety of CyTOF-related services including reagent distribution, consultation, antibody conjugation, and data acquisition.
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Jim Lewis
United States of America
Offers services to assist with design and implementation of microbiome studies.Assist with longitudinal studies as well as pilot studies. Pilot studies can be rapidly implemented with human intervention core staff, project managers and research coordinators.
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Gary Wu
United States of America
Core within Division of Gastroenterology provides services which represents intersection between host and their microbes in both preclinical and clinical human subject research.Offers human biospecimen repository with associated clinical metadata, instrumentation/access to critical analytic services to characterize expression (i.e. genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, microbial culture, etc.) in both microbes and their mammalian hosts, as well as expertise to extend pre-clinical in vitro and animal model research into human clinical domain.
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Vera Moiseenkova-Bell
United States of America
Research core is organized into three interdependent facilities. Ultrastructure lab offers training to Standard-EM and Immuno-EM for cellular ultra-structures of tissue samples. Cryo-EM Screening and Training offers training on Microscopes and ancillary equipment for Negative Stain Imaging, Single-Particle Cryo-EM and Cryo-Tomography of large complexes and cells. Beckman Center for Cryo-EM offers service for high resolution data collection of prescreened and well qualified samples for single particle analysis and Tomography using Titan Krios microscope with Gatan K3 camera.
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Core aims to facilitate and build capacity for community based research and community engagement, while enhancing translation of research and technological developments to key public health and community stakeholders. Offers consultation on community engagement, training in participatory research methods, and assistance with development, implementation, and evaluation of community translation activities. Core is part of the Penn Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT).
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10x Genomics
Data Processing
DNA Analysis
DNA Isolation
Long Read Sequencing
Metagenomics Analysis
Nucleic Acid Extraction
Real-time qPCR
RNA Integrity
RNA Isolation
Sequencing - DNA Sequencing
Sequencing - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Sequencing - Pyrosequencing
Single-Cell Analysis
Single-cell Sequencing
Whole Genome Sequencing
Genomics / Genome Analysis and Technologies
Daniel Beiting
380 S. University Avenue
Hill Pavilion
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States
We study the biological basis of diseases caused by microbes – whether it be a parasitic worm, a pathogenic bacterium, or a complex microbial community in the gut. Our group makes up the Center for Host-Microbial Interactions, at PennVet, and our research leverages a diverse skill set that cuts across the disciplines of genomics, microbiology and immunology. We engage in collaborative projects that benefit from close interactions with veterinarians and human clinicians alike. Our research embodies the idea of One-Health - that humans, animals and the environment are interconnected, and that we all live in a microbial world. We are located at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, in the Department of Pathobiology.
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This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Electronic Medical Device Prototyping
Electronics & Fabrication Shop
Product Life-Cycle Management, Medical Device Development
Miguel E.Hernandez
3720 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States of America
Provide electronic expertise to researchers in the area of basic research and/or Medical device development:
Embedded systems (Firmware, Hardware, and Software solutions) applied to concrete challenges in the research community.
- Electronic prototype design services.
PLM (Product Life-cycle Management) for electronic design.
- We can also support Product Management from concept to final customer deployment. We have the expertise to make an electronic device a complete consumer product that can be deployed for mass production.
- Sustaining and maintenance engineering for electronic products.
- Consulting services in the areas of CE/FCC compliance, EMI, and ESD for lab products and certain consumer electronics.
- Troubleshooting and repair of released electronic systems.
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This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Computational - Bioinformatics
Computational - Biostatistics
Data Analysis
Sequencing - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
John Tobias
1314 Blockley Hall
423 Guardian Dr
Philadelphia, PA 19104 - United States of America
Genomics data management and analysis.
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