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In Vivo Services (IVS) Core

University of Washington

1959 NE Pacific St

Dept of Comparative Medicine, HSB I-458

Seattle, WA 98195

United States

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Primary Contact:

Robert J Hunter

Last Updated: 02/09/2016

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The In Vivo Services (IVS) Core provides mouse colony management at the UW. IVS staff will oversee the maintenance, breeding, weaning, identification, and record keeping of your mouse colonies to free up the limited and valuable time of your laboratory personnel. In addition, the IVS Core offers an array of technical services performing procedures such as sample collection, sample administration, metabolic testing, behavioral assays, and testing of drug compounds in rodents. Our facility is available to all University of Washington investigators and outside institutions.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of University of Washington

Consulting is offerred outside of University of Washington