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All Facilities >> Rockefeller University >> Flow Cytometry Resource Center (FCRC) (Flow Cytometry)
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Svetlana Mazel
Last Updated: 03/27/2025
State-of-the-art Flow Cytometry Resource Center. Cell sorting is performed for extended hours by staff. Analysis and cell sorting are offered as self service with 24/7/365 access to the fully trained users.
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Agilent NovoCyte Penteon Flow Cytometer
Provides flexibility to choose from up to 30 fluorescence channels utilizing up to 5 lasers with up to 30 independent detectors. [Product Link]
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BD FACSAria II Cell Sorter
Cell sorter features hardware and software enhancements that improve overall ease of use, flexibility,and aseptic capability. Offers new options in lasers and nozzles to support more advanced multicolor applications. Built on fixed alignment technology. FACSAria II cell sorter is first generation of BD FACSAria system where flow cell is in true fixed alignment with laser, to reduce startup time and improve reproducibility. [Product Link]
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BD LSR II Flow Cytometer
Benchtop high-performance cell sorter with multiple lazer, detector and fluoroscrome options. Allows detection of 12 parameters (10 color conjugates, forward and sideward scatter). [Product Link]
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BD LSRFortessa Cell Analyzer
BD LSRFortessa system can be configured with up to 7 lasers, blue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. The instrument can accommodate the detection of up to 18 colors simultaneously with defined set of optical filters that meet or exceed the majority of today's assay requirements. BD FACSDiva software controls the efficient setup, acquisition, and analysis of flow cytometry data from the BD LSRFortessa workstation. The software is common across BD FACS instrument families, including the BD FACSCanto cell analyzer and BD FACSAria cell sorter systems. [Product Link]
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Cytek Aurora Spectral Analyzer
Prodigy incorporating a combination of patent-pending technologies that takes flow cytometry to the next level of performance and flexibility. With up to five lasers, three scattering channels, and 64 fluorescence channels, the Aurora suits every laboratory's needs, from to high complexity applications. A paradigm shifting optical design provides unprecedented flexibility, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring your system for each application. The state-of-the-art optics and low-noise electronics provide excellent sensitivity and resolution. Flat-top beam profiles, combined with a ly designed fluidics system, translate to outstanding performance at high sample flow rates. [Product Link]
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Sony MA900 Multi-Application Cell Sorter
MA900 system include patented micro fluidic chip-based design, comprehensive fluidic controls, and advanced automation that simplifies operation to make sorting less subjective and improve reliability. Provides up to 14 parameters from 4 lasers with possibility to choose from 4 excitation lasers—488 nm, 405 nm, 561 nm, and 638 nm—on two beam spots. Free-form PMTs enable detection of fluorescence signals from each beam spot, allowing detection of up to 12 fluorescence parameters and two scatter parameters. [Product Link]
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Thermo Fisher Attune Nxt Nxt
2020 Attune NxT Flow Cytometer makes multiparametric flow cytometry available to both new and experienced researchers. [Product Link]
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BD FACSDiscover S8
BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter, equipped with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm excitation wavelengths) and 78 channels which can measure the entire emission spectra of the fluorescent dyes, is the first spectral flow cytometer sorter with sort-capable image analysis. With BD CellView™ Image Technology and BD SpectralFX™ Technology, BD FACSDiscover™ S8 expands the power of cell analysis and sorting to new dimensions by combining spectral flow cytometry with real-time spatial and morphological insights—empowering scientists to address previously impossible-to-answer questions.
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Institution ROR ID:
Flow, cytometry, sorter, analyzer, imaging, core, Rockefeller, service
Resource Type:
core facility, service resource, access service resource
Rockefeller University Flow Cytometry Resource Center Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017694)
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