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Laboratory of Comparative Pathology (Pathology)

Rockefeller University

1275 York Avenue

M.B. Zuckerman Research Center, Room 931

New York, NY 10065

United States

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Primary Contact:

Ravi Tolwani

Last Updated: 12/20/2022

Facility Details

The LCP, providing support to researchers at MSK, WCM and Rockefeller, provides integrated pathology services to ensure laboratory animal colony health and provides research pathology expertise for animal models of specific human disease conditions. Models supported by the LCP include: mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, pigs, dogs, nonhuman primates, frogs and fish. Genetically modified animals (GMA) vital for translation studies are the primary animal models for investigating phenotypic expression of targeted genotypes for insight into complex disease mechanisms. Novel GMAs must undergo thorough phenotypic analysis in order to validate the model\'s significance and value, especially when extrapolating to humans.

The LCP enhances your research activities by providing flexible, efficient and cost-effective solutions.

Facility Policies

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