University of Massachusetts Medical School
55 North Lake Ave
Worcester, MA 01655
United States this facility
Christina Baer
Last Updated: 08/31/2022
Sanderson Center for Optical Experimentation (SCOPE) at UMass Chan Medical School offers the tools and expertise required to perform a wide variety of quantitative microscopy techniques including super resolution imaging, multi-photon intravital and live tissue imaging, confocal microscopy, and high-speed time-lapse imaging. The SCOPE offers a combination of commercial and custom-built microscopes, allowing users to address an extensive array of biological questions. In addition to user training and access to light microscopes, the SCOPE offers a wide range of imaging services including whole slide scanning, MERFISH spatial transcriptomics, NanoString GeoMx DSP services, and image analysis support. Wet lab facilities, including cell culture, are also available in this BSL2 facility. Imaging at BSL3 is available upon request. We offer remote imaging and data analysis sessions, including remote control of all instruments and workstations. All users are trained individually prior to use of the SCOPE equipment and workstations. Access for external users can be arranged following a consultation regarding project scope and expected outcomes with the Director.
Services are offerred outside of University of Massachusetts Medical School
Consulting is offerred outside of University of Massachusetts Medical School