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University of Kansas, Lawrence
2034 Becker Drive
Del Shankel Structural Biology Center
Lawrence, KS 66047
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Anita Saraf
Last Updated: 01/31/2024
The Mass Spectrometry and Analytical Proteomics Core (MSAPL) at KU provides a range of mass-spectrometry (MS) based services including small molecule analysis & quantitation, peptide and protein MW determination.
We also provide many MS-based proteomics services and associated bioinformatics including: global proteome IDs (Discovery) and targeted proteomics, post-translational modification mapping, quantitative proteomics (Label-free; TMT; other labels). We also provide consultation for designing proteomics experiments. In addition to that we also provide thermal protein profiling (TPP) .
Services are offerred outside of University of Kansas, Lawrence
Consulting is offerred outside of University of Kansas, Lawrence
Label Free Quantitative Proteomics
Labeled Quantitative Proteomics -TMT And Other Labeling
Mass Spectrometry - Proteins And Peptides
Thermo Q Exactive HF Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Identify and quantify more proteins, peptides, lipids, glycans and small molecules accurately and in less time with the Thermo Scientific Q Exactive HF hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. The Q Exactive HF system combines a state-of-the-art segmented quadrupole for high-performance precursor ion selection with a high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) ultra-high-field Orbitrap mass analyzer to deliver a superior combination of scan speed, resolving power, mass accuracy, spectral quality and sensitivity. Identify, quantify and confirm in a single analysis with a single instrument with the Q Exactive HF mass spectrometer. [Product Link]
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Thermo Scientific Dionex Ultimate 3000 system
UltiMate 3000 Nano LC is a Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer system that has been designed to optimize low flow separations and facilitate easy coupling to mass spectrometry to provide the best resolution, sensitivity, and selectivity for nano LC and proteomics applications. Dionex has played a pioneering role in the field of nano HPLC, a technique that generally involves the application of columns with an internal diameter of 75,?m and low flow rates of around 300 nL/min. These configurations are best for analysis with limited sample starting amounts, due to the sensitivity enhancement of the smaller column i.d. Dionex offers several solutions to accommodate and robust nano LC as a front end to mass spectrometry and to fulfill three typical requirements: [Product Link]
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Waters Synapt G2 Mass Spectrometer
Synapt G2 Mass Spectrometry (MS) system is a hybrid, quadrapole/orthogonal acceleration, time-of-flight (oa-TOF) mass spectrometer controlled by MassLynx software. The Waters Synapt G2 is compatible with the Acquity UPLC and nanoAcquity UPLC systems. Hamilton STARplus liquid handling robot. [Product Link]
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Waters Q-Tof Premier
Waters Quattro micro-GC
Waters LCT Premier Mass Spectrometer
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USEDit, ABRF, mass spectrometry based services, proteomics services
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access service resource, service resource, core facility
University of Kansas Mass Spectrometry and Analytical Proteomics Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021857)
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