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PSU COM-MRI Core Facility (Magnetic Resonance)

500 University Drive

30 Long Lane

Hershey, PA 17033

United States

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Primary Contact:

Jeff Vesek

Last Updated: 07/13/2023

Facility RRID


Facility Details

MRI Laboratory
The MRI Core Facility contains 8,900 sq. ft. of laboratory space, which includes: biochemical, electronic and surgical suites, and a fully equipped machine shop with (2) 3D printers.

The MRI Core facility has two MRI systems and an EEG MRI-compatible system dedicated for research.

3T Siemens PRISMA-Fit scanner equipped with True 2 Channel Tx and 64 Channel Rx. The latest RF coil set including a 64 Channel head coil and software packages with full clinical capability.
7T Biospec 70/20 as small animal imaging system (Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany). Latest Hardware and Software. Avance NEO with Paravision 360.

Full sensory fMRI stimulation systems:

SenSaVue System for visual and auditory stimulation (Invivo Corp, FL, USA), which includes an LCD visual display, audio system, button response unit and software (E-Prime) for paradigm creation, patient management, protocol planning, precise delivery of brain stimulation, and behavioral analysis.
ETT Olfactometer with full-programmable 6 independent channels for odor and trigeminal stimulation (ETT, LLC, Hershey, PA).
Olfact Smell Test System (Osmic Enterprises, Inc., Cincinnati, OH) is a computerized instrument to test the smell functions of human subjects. The smell functions that can be tested are odor threshold, odor identification, and odor memory.
ETT Gustatometer with full-programmable 7 independent channels for taste stimulation (ETT,LLC, Hershey, PA)
Eye Link 1000 Plus system via SR Research: The EyeLink 1000 Plus Host PC performs real-time eye tracking at 250, 500,1000, or 2000 samples per second while computing true gaze position on the display viewed by the participant. The Host PC also performs on-line detection and analysis of eye-motion events such as saccades, blinks, and fixations. In addition to the sample data, these events are stored in a data file on the Host PC. They can be sent through the Ethernet link to the Display PC with a minimal delay or output as analog signals (if the optional analog/digital I/O card is installed). From the Host PC, the operator performs participant setup, monitors their performance, and can communicate with applications running on a Display PC.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of Penn State College of Medicine

Consulting is offerred outside of Penn State College of Medicine