University of Arizona
1333 N Martin Ave
Tucson, AZ 85721
United States this facility
Douglas Cromey
Last Updated: 03/09/2023
The RII Imaging Cores - Optical facility is a scientific core facility with two locations (Marley, Life Sciences North) dedicated to the acquisition of images for research, industrial and clinical applications. We offer multi-user access to high quality state-of-the-art technologies and cost effective analytical services.
The Marley location features an inverted point scanning confocal microscope, an upright confocal/multiphoton microscope with superresolution capabilities, a fluorescence stereo microscope and a research quality microwave. The manager for this location is Patty Jansma.
The Life Sciences North location features a dedicated superresolution fluoresence microscope (structured illumination, SIM), an inverted multifunction widefield microscope (color brightfield, polarized light, fluorescence), and an image analysis workstation. The manager for this location is Doug Cromey.
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