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UM Sylvester Onco-Genomics Shared Resource (Genomics / Genome Analysis and Technologies)

University of Miami

Papanicolaou Cancer Research Building, Room 414

1550 N.W. 10th Avenue

Miami, FL 33136

United States

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Oncogenomics Core Facility (OCF) General Info

Last Updated: 11/01/2022

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Facility Details

The Onco-Genomics Shared Resource (OGSR) provides access to a wide range of technologies and services for the study of the genomics and epigenomics of cancer, in addition to providing technical expertise for project design, trouble-shooting and pre- and post-award support. Principle service areas encompass: 1) next generation sequencing (NGS), 2) single cell genomics 3) Spatial Genomics 4) gene expression assays and molecular quantitation, 5) services for sample extraction and QC.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of University of Miami

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