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All Facilities >> Stanford University >> Neuroscience Microscopy Service (NMS)
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Lorry Lokey Stem Cell Building G0901
265 Campus Drive MC5453
Stanford, CA 94305
United Stateshttps://nisms.stanford.educite this facility
Andrew Olson
Last Updated: 05/17/2013
The Neuroscience Microscopy Service (NMS) provides access to state-of-the-art light microscopy equipment (confocal, super-resolution, two-photon, and widefield microscopes). Image analysis workstations with Imaris, NeuroLucida, MatLab and Fiji software are also available. NMS provides one-on-one training on all equipment.
Services are offerred outside of Stanford University
Consulting is offerred outside of Stanford University
Confocal microscope (Zeiss LSM510Meta):
environmental control for live-cell imaging,
spectral unmixing capability,
excitation laser lines at 405, 458, 477, 488, 514, 568, 633 nm.
Structured illumination super-resolution microscope (GE/Applied Precision OMX V4):
SIM excitation laser lines at 405, 488, 561 nm,
TIRF imaging at the same wavelengths,
fast widefield imaging with solid state illumination 405-633 nm.
Two two-photon microscopes (Prairie Technologies):
an in vivo rig, and
a slice rig;
both equipped for 2-photon imaging and simultaneous 2-photon photoactivation.
Motorized widefield fluorescence microscope (Zeiss AxioImager):
dual CCD cameras: one monochrome, one color;
(up to) four-color multi-channel fluorescence with AxioCam HRm monochrome CCD), or
histological stains with AxioCam MRc color CCD camera.
Two high-powered image analysis workstations:
24 GB RAM, dual quad core processors, high-end video card running Windows 7 64-bit OS;
one with Imaris 3D image processing, MatLab, and Fiji;
one with NeuroLucida tracing software, MatLab, and Fiji.
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, ABRF, imaging technologies, microscopy expertise,
Resource Type:
access service resource, core facility, service resource
Stanford Neuroscience Microscopy Service Core Facility (RRID:SCR_023257)
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