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Protein and Nucleic Acid Facility (PAN)

Stanford University

279 Campus Drive West

Beckman Center, Room B065 or B017

Stanford, CA 94305

United States

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Primary Contact:

Michael Eckart

Last Updated: 01/07/2020

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The Protein and Nucleic Acid (PAN) facility is a multifaceted biotechnology fee-for-service laboratory combining technology with expertise in genomics and protein analytics to support biological and biomedical research by providing a diverse array of services to not only the Stanford research community but also other non-profits and biopharmaceutical organizations. The services provided include:
- Gene Expression Analysis
- Microarrays (Full service)
- Real-time PCR (Full service or investigator use)
- Pyrosequencing using PyroMark technology for methylation analysis and sequence variation analysis(Full service or investigator use)
- Biomolecular Interaction Analysis (Surface Plasmon Resonance; Biacore)
- DNA Sequencing
- Oligonucleotide Synthesis
- Protein Sequencing
- Peptide Synthesis
- Protein Identification
- Mass Spectrometry
Each of our services is staffed and maintained by highly experienced and dedicated scientists. We can provide as much assistance as needed, from the initial study design through all the procedures needed for an experiment to the final interpretation and analysis of data. Our services include standard assays, as well as customized services. We are always interested in developing new assays, or adapting existing established assays to address a specific research question.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of Stanford University

Consulting is not offerred outside of Stanford University