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Stanford Canary Center Preclinical Imaging Core Facility (Preclinical Modeling / Imaging)

Stanford University

Canary Center, 3155 Porter Drive

Rm. 1106

Palo Alto, CA 94304

United States

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Primary Contact:

Edwin Chang

Last Updated: 05/01/2024

Facility RRID


Facility Details

Provides access to ultrasound, MRI, CT, and PET, instruments developed specifically for small animal work and photoacoustic imaging. All instruments are designed to image living subjects and allow for repeated imaging. The flexibility and rapid analyses of such animal models greatly accelerate the development of molecular imaging strategies.Facility houses surgical procedure room, histology slide scanner that converts glass slides into digital slides using both brightfield and fluorescence, and advanced image analysis workstations.Instruments include MicroPET Imaging Systems,Optical Imaging Systems,UltraSound Imaging System,Photoacoustic Imaging System,X-Ray Computed Tomography Imaging System,Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Facility Policies

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