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UF ICBR Gene Expression & Genotyping (Gene / Micro RNA Expression)

University of Florida

2033 Mowry Road

CGRC 178

Gainesville, FL 32610

United States

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Facility LIMS Page


Primary Contact:

Edith "Angel" Sampson

Last Updated: 03/05/2021

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The Gene Expression & Genotyping core provides state-of-the-art technical services and consultation on Single Cell RNA-Seq, RNA-Seq, 16s metagenomics and Affymetrix gene expression arrays. High-throughput RNA-seq libraries, 16s libraries and sequencing capture libraries can be done by using the Agilent Bravo robot. QuantiGene RNA Assays measure up to 80 gene targets directly with degraded and cross-linked RNA in FFPE tissues and blood, with no RNA purification required. The BioRad QX200 AutoDG Droplet Digital PCR System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules with greater precision and sensitivity than qPCR, the sensitivity off ddPCR System can facilitate expanded analysis of single cells. The Genotyping services include fragment analysis using AB3730 (96 capillary technology), development of microsatellite libraries using Illumina sequence data, and genotyping using mouse tails or ear punches. These up-to-date gene expression and genotyping analysis methods allow scientists to be on the cutting edge of research.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of University of Florida

Consulting is offerred outside of University of Florida