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Stanford University
279 Campus Drive
Beckman Center, B050
Stanford, CA 94305-5330
United States of Americahttp://microscopy.stanford.educite this facility
Jon Mulholland
Last Updated: 04/19/2023
The Cell Sciences Imaging Facility (CSIF) provides high resolution, state-of-the-art technologies for imaging and analyzing the molecular and structural organization of cells and tissue. The facility offers sophisticated and demanding microscopy techniques (e.g. STORM, TIRF, SIM, FLIM, LLS, gSTED, airyscan, lightning, 2-photon live cell imaging, photo-activation and uncaging, array tomography, immuno-electron microscopy, high pressure freezing...) to Stanford University and industry researchers. The CSIF is organized into three imaging cores: the Fluorescence Microscopy Core (FMC) which houses multi-photon, confocal and deconvolution microscopes, codex services and image analysis software, the Electron Microscopy Core (EMC), which houses high resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopes and the Array Tomography Core (ATC) that provides complete array tomography services. The CSIF, in addition to its Director, Jon Mulholland, is staffed by 7 research associates that manage the instruments, provide expertise and training in electron and light microscopy.
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3D & 4D Image Processing Stations
Confocal/ Super Resolution Microscope
2-photon/confocal microscope (Leica SP5, upright, 2-photon, environmental control, live cell imaging system)
Confocal microscope (Leica SP8 gSTED 592nm, Lightning, WLL, AOBS, inverted)
Confocal microscopes (Zeiss LSM880 airyscan, airyscan fast, LSM780 with 2-photon laser, airyscan, environmental control, inverted)
Widefield deconvolution microscope (API Delta Vision RT system, stage and objective heater)
Automated fluorescence array tomography microscope (Zeiss Axioimager Z1)
Transmission electron microscope (Jeol, 1400-TEM) with CCD camera, rt tomography holder, SerialEM automation
Field emission scanning electron microscope (Zeiss, Sigma FEG-SEM)
Histology microscopes with color camera (Leica DM1000, DM2000)
Resolve Bio-AFM (Bruker with LSM900)
Bruker TrueLive light sheet
Zeiss Lattice Light Sheet 7
Nikon Spinning Disk Confocal
Akoya CODEX Keyence microscope
Akoya CODEX Nikon microscope
4 Ultramicrotomes (Leica Ultracut and cryo ultracut)
Leica ICE High Pressure Freezer with light and electrical stimulation
High pressure freezer w/ rapid specimen exchange (Leica EMPact)
Knife maker (includes 1 glass strip)
Vacuum (Carbon) evaporator
Sputter coater
Microwave oven processing
Leica ACE600 Vacuum system
Leica FCS Cryo-Ultramicrotome
Ultramicrotome Leica Ultracut S
Cryo-fixing Equip: Plunge/block freezer
Pelco BioWave Pro Microwave Oven
Leica AFS Automatic Freeze Substitution Apparatus
Freeze substitution machine
Critical Point Dryer (CPD)
Imaging/Scanner/printer/CD burner
Specimen processing reagent kit
Volume rendering, image processing, 64bit, work stations (3x) running Leica and Zeiss software as well as Imaris, Huygens, Microvolution, Napari, FIJI ,Volocity software
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Institution ROR ID:
Light, electron, microscopy, imaging, analyzing, molecular, structural, cell, tissue, service, core
Resource Type:
access service resource, service resource, core facility
Stanford University Cell Sciences Imaging Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017787)
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