The Department of Cancer Biology houses the Advanced Cell Analysis Service Center (ACASC) which offers access to a variety of microscopes and flow cytometry equipment for researchers.
BD LSRFortessa cell analyzer offers the ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing power, performance, and consistency. Designed to be and expandable, the BD LSRFortessa has the flexibility to support the expanding needs of multicolor flow cytometry assays. The BD LSRFortessa system can be configured with up to 7 lasers*,blue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. The instrument can accommodate the detection of up to 18 colors simultaneously with a defined set of optical filters that meet or exceed the majority of today's assay requirements. BD FACSDiva software controls the efficient setup, acquisition, and analysis of flow cytometry data from the BD LSRFortessa workstation. The software is common across BD FACS instrument families, including the BD FACSCanto cell analyzer and BD FACSAria cell sorter systems. [Product Link]
LSM 710 is a confocal is an inverted microscope that enables confocal microscopy for a wide variety of applications. You work with up to ten dyes and use continuous spectral detection across the complete wavelength range. With the inverse Axio Observer from Carl Zeiss, LSM 710 offers you unrivalled confocal microscopy in cell and developmental biology. Upright stands such as Axio Imager or Axio Examiner offer you have all the equipment you need to record neurobiological, physiological and developmental relationships to an exceptional standard. [Product Link]