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All Facilities >> University of Vermont >> UVM VBRN Proteomics Facility (Proteomics)
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Ying Wai Lam
Last Updated: 01/15/2025
VBRN Proteomics Facility is supported by INBRE funding (P20GM103449) and is located in the Marsh Life Science Building at the University of Vermont. It occupies 1,408 ft2 of lab, data processing unit, office, and consultation space. The Proteomics Facility enables investigators to use an array of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry-based techniques for proteomics experiments, ranging from routine protein identification, post-translational modification characterization and finding protein interacting partners, to large-scale quantitative proteomics analyses using stable isotopes (dimethyl labeling, SILAC, TMT). Since its inception in 2006, the facility has analyzed over 20,000 samples and supported close to 180 publications ( The facility personnel train investigators in experimental design and proteomics methods, while assisting with data interpretation, manuscript preparation, and grant submission. Our user base includes investigators from UVM and from institutions in 15 states.
A summary of the facility’s impact on the development of the network can be found at
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UNITED STATESorg_zipcode:
PROTEOMICS CORE - Summary The mission of the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) Proteomics Core is to provide high-quality, timely, and affordable service to network clients for state-or-the-art proteomic analyses. Previously, Vermonters had to use mass spectrometry facilities outside of the state, often at high prices and with low priority service. The VGN Core has changed that. In addition to supporting faculty research, the Core also supports the outreach, education, and training of students in the development of contemporary proteomics skills that will prepare them for graduate-level research training or entry into the biomedical workforce. Since 2006, the Core has been providing mass spectrometry expertise and services to the research community. The staff consults with investigators during experimental design, assists with sample preparation, and provides data (in collaboration with Bioinformatics Core staff) so that network investigators can collect and use the data in publications and be competitive for extramural funding. The Core also provides unique educational outreach opportunities to students through the integration of the proteomics course module into classes and use of proteomics in their VGN-funded research. The component is innovative in that students have hands-on experience with the state-of-the-art proteomics technologies and learn to interpret proteomics data derived from their samples analyzed by the Core. The major aims of the Core are: Provide high quality and timely proteomics services to network faculty and students; establish new proteomics methodologies for the benefit of the network and other clients; sustain the Core by refining its operating procedures; and work with the Administrative Core to assess Core operations.project_title:
Proteomics Corecontact_pi_name:
LAM, YING WAItotal_cost:
UNITED STATESorg_zipcode:
PROTEOMICS CORE - Summary The mission of the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) Proteomics Core is to provide high-quality, timely, and affordable service to network clients for state-or-the-art proteomic analyses. Previously, Vermonters had to use mass spectrometry facilities outside of the state, often at high prices and with low priority service. The VGN Core has changed that. In addition to supporting faculty research, the Core also supports the outreach, education, and training of students in the development of contemporary proteomics skills that will prepare them for graduate-level research training or entry into the biomedical workforce. Since 2006, the Core has been providing mass spectrometry expertise and services to the research community. The staff consults with investigators during experimental design, assists with sample preparation, and provides data (in collaboration with Bioinformatics Core staff) so that network investigators can collect and use the data in publications and be competitive for extramural funding. The Core also provides unique educational outreach opportunities to students through the integration of the proteomics course module into classes and use of proteomics in their VGN-funded research. The component is innovative in that students have hands-on experience with the state-of-the-art proteomics technologies and learn to interpret proteomics data derived from their samples analyzed by the Core. The major aims of the Core are: Provide high quality and timely proteomics services to network faculty and students; establish new proteomics methodologies for the benefit of the network and other clients; sustain the Core by refining its operating procedures; and work with the Administrative Core to assess Core operations.project_title:
Proteomics Corecontact_pi_name:
LAM, YING WAItotal_cost:
$425,370.00Services are offerred outside of University of Vermont
Consulting is offerred outside of University of Vermont
Laser Puller P-2000
P-2000 micropipette puller represents a significant advance in the technology of fabrication of micropipettes, optical fiber probes, and nanospray tips. The P-2000 integrates a CO2 laser-based heat source with the technology derived from our extensive experience with conventional pullers. This system offers capabilities unmatched by other pullers. While the P-2000 is suitable for working with most conventional glasses, its primary advantage is the ability to work with quartz glass (fused silica). Quartz offers superior material properties for a variety of research applications. Quartz is stronger than other glasses and can facilitate penetration through tough tissues which would normally break conventional pipettes1 . For applications requiring a low noise glass, users will find that quartz is the lowest noise glass available2,4. Quartz contains none of the metals used in conventional glasses3. Optically, quartz is virtually free from fluorescence when illuminated. [Product Link]
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Thermo Fisher LTQ Orbitrap Discovery Mass Spectrometer
Hybrid mass spectrometer that incorporates LTQ XL linear trap and Orbitrap. Consists of linear ion trap for sample ionization, selection, fragmentation, and AGC, intermediate storage device that is required for short pulse injection, and Orbitrap analyzer for Fourier transformation based analysis. [Product Link]
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Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD Hybrid Ion Trap-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer
Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD Hybrid Ion Trap-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer can be used to identify, characterize and quantify proteins and peptides using. This instrument is a comprehensive solution for a range of proteomics applications including complex PTM analysis; intelligent sequencing of peptides; top-down and middle-down analysis; label-free quantitation; or quantitation using stable isotope labeling methods such as TMT and iTRAQ. [Product Link]
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Thermo LTQ XL Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
Ion trap mass spectrometer with Agilent 1100 HPLC system is used for a variety of studies including metabolite identification, stability testing, degradation products, and high-abundance quantitation. [Product Link]
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Q Exactive Plus Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer has increased performance and new options that enhance applications from confident DMPK qual/quan screening studies to characterization of intact monoclonal antibodies. [Product Link]
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Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer
Combines quadrupole, ion trap, and Orbitrap mass analysis into Tribrid architecture to provide depth of analysis. Enables analyzing of low-abundance, high-complexity samples to identify compounds and to quantify accurately and elucidate structures thoroughly. [Product Link]
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Leap Technologies HDX workflow station HDx-3 PAL
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, mass spectrometry, proteomics technology, protein, biomedical sample, protein analysis, peptide, measurement, experimental design, ABRF
Resource Type:
core facility, service resource, access service resource
Vermont University Proteomics Core Facility (RRID:SCR_018667)
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