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Imaging Research Core (Preclinical Modeling / Imaging)

Case Western Reserve University

11100 Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44106

United States

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Primary Contact:

Chris Flask

Last Updated: 04/15/2020

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The Case Center for Imaging Research (CCIR) exists to help further the study of imaging. Within the CCIR, the Imaging Research Core provides a comprehensive suite of preclinical and clinical imaging instrumentation and techniques developed in-house by our leading imaging scientists.

The Core services the CWRU and University Hospitals research communities, researchers and industry partners throughout University Circle and Northeast Ohio, and across the country.

The Imaging Research Core offers the expertise, infrastructure, and environment that can help turn your research into a reality.

Facility Policies

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Consulting is offerred outside of Case Western Reserve University