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Center for Innovative Technology (CIT)

Vanderbilt University

5401 Stevenson Center Ln

Nashville, TN 37212

United States of America

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Primary Contact:

Stacy D. Sherrod, Ph.D.

Last Updated: 12/18/2018

Facility Details

The Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee is a state-of-the-art small molecule omics (metabolomics, lipidomics) shared resource center and collaborative analytical facility specializing in a range of mass spectrometry and confocal screening techniques.

OUR MISSION is to provide innovative and tailored solutions to analytical challenges using cutting-edge instrumentation and methodologies for academia, government, and industry.

OUR CAPABILITIES include measuring the complex array of small molecule metabolites present within a fluid, cell, or tissue and identifying reproducible steady state and/or temporal changes associated with disease state or drug administration for context dependent analysis. Metabolite identifications are assigned based on high mass accuracy measurements, isotope distributions, tandem MS fragmentation patterns, and comparisons with spectral libraries and standards. Consequently, the results can reveal unique biochemical fingerprints of cellular processes specific to each sample. This can be exploited as a discovery-based approach for generating novel hypotheses or used to better understand physiological processes mediated by genetic or environmental perturbations. If needed, new workflows can be established for method development, targeted biomolecule measurement acquisition, and/or metabolite validation.

We support our clients in numerous phases of the analytical pipeline and provide a number of routine and/or advanced services depending on the goals of your individual research projects.

Facility Policies

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