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Immunochemical Core Lab (ICL) - Mayo Clinic (Biochemistry)

Mayo Clinic in Florida

Mayo Clinic

200 First Street SW

Rochester, MN 55905

United States

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Primary Contact:

Oksana Kosiuk

Last Updated: 07/06/2022

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The Immunochemical Core is a specialized facility that provides immunochemical, chemistry and immune testing at an affordable cost to clinical and basic science researchers, develops and validates new assays, and improves current assay methodology.

Services include:
•Extensive test menu (see facility website)
•Assay development
•Automated chemistry analysis
•Immunoassay analysis
•Small molecule analysis
•Mass Spectrometry, LC-MS/MS and HRAM LC-MS, both high-flow and nano-flow
•Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), Meso Scale Discovery (MSD), Luminex, and radioimmunoassay (RIA) procedures for various analytes
•Ability to perform most commercially available assays or kits
•Expertise in quantitation of peptides, steroids, hormone, bile acids, sugars, other small molecules

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of Mayo Clinic in Florida

Consulting is offerred outside of Mayo Clinic in Florida