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All Facilities >> Van Andel Institute >> VAI Flow Cytometry Core Facility (Flow Cytometry)
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Rachael Sheridan
Last Updated: 08/17/2022
The VAI Flow Cytometry Core provides cell analysis and sorting services. We have a Cytek Aurora, Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX S, Beckman Coulter Astrios, and a BD FACSSymphony S6
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Beckman Coulter Astrios Cell Sorter
MoFlo Astrios is the new standard for cell sorting with functionality, speed, and improved sensitivity. It is designed for researchers who desire high productivity with more analytical capability and with biosafety solutions. The ergonomic design of Astrios makes it faster and easier to operate. All components requiring operator control are within easy reach. Beyond the optic expansion, novel software components enhance the instruments capabilities. The Touch Screen Control Panel facilitates... Read more [Product Link]
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Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer
Flow Cytometer provides performance needed for sensitivity and resolution throughout all configurations. [Product Link]
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Cytek Aurora Spectral Analyzer
Prodigy incorporating a combination of patent-pending technologies that takes flow cytometry to the next level of performance and flexibility. With up to five lasers, three scattering channels, and 64 fluorescence channels, the Aurora suits every laboratory's needs, from to high complexity applications. A paradigm shifting optical design provides unprecedented flexibility, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring your system for each application. The state-of-the-art optics and low-noise electronics provide excellent sensitivity and resolution. Flat-top beam profiles, combined with a ly designed fluidics system, translate to outstanding performance at high sample flow rates. [Product Link]
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BD FACSymphony S6
Abaxis HM5
Vestscan 2
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, ABRF, cell analysis and sorting services
Resource Type:
core facility, access service resource, service resource
Van Andel Institute Flow Cytometry Core Facility (RRID:SCR_022685)
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