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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
4650 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
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G. Esteban Fernandez
Last Updated: 06/23/2023
The Cellular Imaging Core provides state-of-the-art equipment in microscopy and digital imaging. The primary focus of the Core is technology transfer and provision of facilities for acquisition and analysis of histological and cytological preparations. An important aspect of this technology transfer is to provide training in the use of imaging instrumentation, as well as in the application of image analysis procedures for generation of quantitative data.
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Confocal Microscope With FCS/FLIM Capabilities
Confocal/ Super Resolution Microscope
Fluorescence Microscope With Optical Sectioning Capability
Leica DMI 6000B Fully Automated Inverted Research Microscope
Leica DMI6000 B is an inverted microscope for biomedical research, is best for fluorescence, live cell, time-lapse imaging, high-speed multi-fluorescence optical sectioning, and micromanipulation. The system features an automated contrast and illumination manager, motorized Z focus, parfocality function, automatic brightness and diaphragm adjustment, and many other automated functions that provide and reproducible results. [Product Link]
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Olympus IX73 Inverted Microscope
Olympus IX73 inverted microscope has been integrated into our IXplore systems. IXplore Systems are designed to provide solutions-based packages that suit your research application needs. [Product Link]
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Custom made 3D image processing workstation
128 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti graphics card, AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X 3.4 GHz processor (16 cores, 32 threads);
Leica Microsystems STELLARIS 5 confocal
4 HyD S detectors, 405/488/561/638 nm excitation, LIGHTNING superresolution
Leica Microsystems STELLARIS 5 confocal microscope
5 HyD S detectors, pulsed white-light laser, TauSense FLIM, LIGHTNING superresolution
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, ABRF, microscopy and digital imaging, acquisition and analysis of histological and cytological preparations
Resource Type:
access service resource, service resource, core facility
University of Southern California CHLA Cellular Imaging Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021964)
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