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All Facilities >> University of Ottawa >> Louise Pelletier Histology Core Facility (Histology)
Facility Details
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451 Smyth Road Ottawa, Ontario
Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5
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Ana Giassi
Last Updated: 05/02/2023
We are a full-service histology laboratory available to faculty, researchers, clinicians and students. The primary mission of the HCF is to provide efficient, high quality and cost-effective histological services for both animal and human tissue. HCF services include paraffin processing and embedding, paraffin and frozen sectioning as well as routine and special histological staining.
The LPHCF laboratory is equipped with:
A Leica Bond III Immunostainer to provide automated immunohistochemistry, in-situ hybridization and immunofluorescence staining
Automated tissue processors for paraffin processing
Automated microtomes for paraffin sectioning
Automated stainer that can be programmed to provide a wide variety of routine and special stains
Cryostats for sectioning frozen tissue
Tissue Microarray machine - Coming Soon!
The LPHCF can also perform manual chromogenic or fluorescent staining (single or multi-color labelling) on frozen and paraffin sections. We also provide full service slide scanning using the newly acquired Axio Scan.Z1 for Brightfield or Fluorescent stained slides at either 20X or 40X magnification.
Experienced personnel in the LPHCF are available for consultation on project/protocol design, technical assistance and training on facility instruments. The Infinity software system is used for all of our histological services and instrument training.
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Leica RM2255 Automated Microtome
Leica RM2255 rotary microtome is designed for fully motorized sectioning of both paraffin- and the Leica RM2255 in routine and in histology. Its two-in-one design concept, which allows motorized and manual sectioning, provides reproducible high-quality sections. [Product Link]
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ZEISS Axio Scan.Z1 Slide Scanner
Digitize your specimens with the Axio Scan.Z1 slide scanner and create high-quality virtual slides. Axio Scan.Z1 tackles the most demanding virtual microscopy research tasks as easily as it handles your routine work. The software module ZEN slidescan is designed specifically for the workflow of capturing virtual slides, while ZEN image analysis tools prepare your data accurately. Organize your virtual slides with ZEN browser, the web-based database, then view your data from any location using any operating system , or share virtual microscopy images online with colleagues and organize your projects, even when you are on the go. [Product Link]
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, ABRF, histological services, animal tissue, human tissue
Resource Type:
access service resource, core facility, service resource
University of Ottawa Louise Pelletier Histology Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021737)
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