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All Facilities >> Barrow Neurological Institute >> BNI Biobank, Flow Cytometry and Genomics Core Facilities (Biobank)
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350 W Thomas Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85013
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Last Updated: 02/11/2025
Recently added services! We are now excited to offer RNA/DNA integrity analyses, library prep and sequencing services with our Qiaxcel System and Illumina NextSeq 2000.
Our facility has over 100,000 human specimens banked for your research needs
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BD FACSAria IIu High Speed Cell Sorter
Aria has four lasers, 405, 488, 561 and 633 nm, and can detect light in sixteen photomultiplier tubes. Its primary function is to examine complex populations of cells and yield pure populations of cells. The Aria can sort lymphocytes at a rate of approximately 15,000 events per second. For larger cells, the rate is much slower in order to optimize the passage of cells through the instrument. Cells from single populations can be sorted into 96-well plates. Alternatively, the Aria can sort into two 15-ml tubes or four 5-ml tubes. The Aria can purify samples that are simply positive and negative for a single fluorophore or as complex as nine-color samples with intricate gating schemes. The BD FACSAria IIu cell sorter is a high speed benchtop digital flow cytometer equipped with a sensitive, fixed-alignment cuvette flow cell. It has three spatially separated lasers - 405 nm, 488 nm and 633 nm. Its primary function is to analyze complex populations of cells and yield pure populations of cells meeting defined criteria. The sorter can purify samples that are simply positive and negative for a single fluorophore or as complex as multi-color samples with complex gating strategies. Sorting can be performed into two or four tubes with speeds up to 25,000 events/second. The system sorts by incorporating cells from the sample tube into a stream of sterile PBS. The stream is interrogated by the lasers at the flow cell and the system electronics keeps track of each cell as they pass through the laser and determines specific cells that meet the sort criteria. A transducer vibrates the stream and induces droplet formation, with cells in the stream being incorporated into the droplets. If a cell meets the sorting criteria and is in the last drop before the break off, the instrument will charge that drop. The charged droplet is then deflected into the proper collection tube by the charge plates. Different cell types can be sorted with the use of 70 ?m, 85 ?m and 100 ?m nozzles. If you need a yellow-green (561 nm) laser, check the BD FACSAria III instead. [Product Link]
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BD LSRFortessa X-20 Fortessa Flow Cytometer
BD LSRFortessa cell analyzer offers the ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing power, performance, and consistency. Designed to be and expandable, the BD LSRFortessa has the flexibility to support the expanding needs of multicolor flow cytometry assays. The BD LSRFortessa system can be configured with up to 7 lasers*,blue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. The instrument can accommodate the detection of up to 18 colors simultaneously with a defined set of optical filters that meet or exceed the majority of today's assay requirements. BD FACSDiva software controls the efficient setup, acquisition, and analysis of flow cytometry data from the BD LSRFortessa workstation. The software is common across BD FACS instrument families, including the BD FACSCanto cell analyzer and BD FACSAria cell sorter systems. [Product Link]
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Illumina NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Sequencing Systems
Benchtop sequencers that allow you to explore new science across variety of current and emerging applications, with higher efficiency and fewer restraints. [Product Link]
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SORP BD FACSAria II (407 nm/488 nm/633 nm)
SORP BD LSRFortessa X20 (405 nm/488 nm/640 nm)
NanoString nCounter SPRINT Profiler
Agilent 2200 TapeStation
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, RNA integrity measurements, gene expression assays, flow cytometry, cell sorting, ABRF, ABRF
Resource Type:
access service resource, core facility, service resource
Barrow Neurological Institute Flow Cytometry and NanoString Core Facility (RRID:SCR_021133)
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