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All Facilities >> University of Virginia >> UVa-Molecular Electron Microscopy Core (Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical))
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480 Ray C. Hunt Dr.
Charlottesville, VA 22903
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Kelly Dryden
Last Updated: 04/21/2021
The Molecular Electron Microscopy Core (MEMC) is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to high-resolution electron cryomicroscopy and electron cryotomography. It houses three electron microscopes, a 120kV Spirit, a 200kV F20, a 200kV Glacios, and a 300kV Titan Krios. These microscopes are available to researchers either for direct use, or aided by MEMC personnel, to collect data aimed at high-resolution structural biology projects.
Funding: The MEMC is supported in part by the School of Medicine and was built with NIH grant G20-RR31199.
In addition, the Titan Krios (SIG S10-RR025067), Falcon II/3EC direct detector (SIG S10-OD018149), and K3/GIF (U24-GM116790) were purchased in part or in full with the designated NIH grants.
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FEI Glacios Cryo-TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) for Life Sciences
Microscope that features 200 kV XFEG optics and ensures a robust and contamination-free pathway throughout the entire workflow, from sample preparation and optimization to image acquisition and data processing. [Product Link]
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FEI Krios G4 Cryo-TEM
Transmission electron microscope that is used for automated applications such as single particle analysis, cryo-electron tomography, and micro electron diffraction. [Product Link]
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FEI Tecnai F20
FEI Tecnai Spirit (T12)
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, electron microscopy, electron cryotomography, microscope, data collection, ABRF
Resource Type:
access service resource, core facility, service resource
University of Virginia School of Medicine Molecular Electron Microscopy Core Facility (RRID:SCR_019031)
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