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All Facilities >> Florida State University >> X-Ray Crystallography Facility (Structural Biology)
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91 Chieftan Way
Institute of Molecular Biophysics
Tallahassee, FL 32306
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Thayumanasamy Somasundaram
Last Updated: 02/11/2025
The Institute of Molecular Biophysics multi-user macromolecular crystallography facility provides training, expertise, and assistance for crystallizing and determining the three-dimensional structures of biological macromolecules and their complexes. It is available to all members of FSU and other SUS Institutions.
The facility has stereo-zoom microscopes, and Rubarth Rumed crystallization incubator maintained at variety of temperatures. The Facility has licensed software for data processing and analysis.
It has an Art Robbins Crystal Gryphon crystallization robot, Formulatrix Rock Imager 01, and Formulatrix Formulator 16.
It has long-term cryo dewars for sample storage and cryo dewar for shipping samples.
The Facility has RAID system to store user data. It also coordinates user data collection at national synchrotron x-ray beamlines.
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Consulting is offerred outside of Florida State University
Art Robbins Crystal Gryphon Liquid Crystal Polymer Setup System
Gryphon LCP is a setup system for Lipidic Cubic Phase sandwich plates and bicelle assays as well as traditional protein crystallography plates. A dedicated syringe based LCP head dispenses the protein, and a 96 head dispenses the buffer solutions. A 96 well sandwich plate can be sealed in less than 2 minutes. An optional non-contact dispenser can be added at any time to set up vapor diffusion sitting drop and hanging drop plates. The Crystal Gryphon is a small, fast and option for setting up all of your crystal plates. The Crystal Gryphon fits into tight lab spaces and tight lab budgets. The 96-channel positive displacement head quickly fills screen reservoirs and protein wells. The head has no disposable tips, so the cost of operation and environmental waste is minimized. The 1-channel non-contact dispenser quickly aspirates and dispenses your proteins allowing your plate to be sealed without evaporation being a problem. This dispense head is designed specifically to handle proteins, features flow-through washing and positive displacement aspiration, to handle all of your proteins. [Product Link]
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Formulator by Formulatrix liquid handler for preparing crystallization reservoirs
Liquid handler specifically designed for Protein Crystallography that uses patented microfluidic technology to dispense up to 34 different ingredients. A 96-nozzle dispensing chip can dispense any volume of any ingredient of any viscosity into any well. [Product Link]
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Leica APO S8 Microscope
Greenough stereo microscope, Leica S8 APO with apochromatic 8:1 zoom and 75mm working distance allows easy access to specimen even at high magnification up to 80x which is best for quality control, cell sorting and microinjection applications. Ergonomic 38 viewing angle provides comfort, which helps increase productivity, reduce fatigue related inspection errors and acquire precise positioning while working with incident or transmitted light. Adjustable zoom stops allows fast, easy, repeatable measurements and inspections. The Integrated Documentation port allows to connect digital cameras. [Product Link]
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Rumed/Rubarth Cooled Incubator
Low-noise, eco-friendly compressor technology, and natural refrigerants
Rigaku RU-H3R rotating anode x-ray generator
Osmic confocal mirror system
Rigaku R-Axis IV++ IP detector
Oxford Cryo Stream cryocooler
Art Robbins Instruments Crystal Gryphon
Leica APO S8 Stereo zoom microscope
Dedicated cold room
Rubarth Rumed Incubator
Vibration-free temperature chamber
Formulatrix Rock Imager 01
Formulatrix Formulator 16
Taylor Wharton Storage Dewar
Taylor Wharton Shipping Dewar
Unipucks and shipping cane
Cryo accessories
Formulatrix Rock Maker software
CCP4 and Phenix, HKL software suite
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Institution ROR ID:
Macromolecular, X-ray, crystallography, instrument, expertise, collecting, processing, diffraction, data, single, crystal, protein, screeing, service, core
Resource Type:
service resource, access service resource, core facility
Florida State University X-Ray Crystallography Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017922)
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