The MGC staff offer decades of experience with genetic, genomic and epigenetic study design and technology. We specialize in working closely with our researchers, customizing experiments to meet their needs, and we are dedicated to optimizing experimental conditions to produce the highest quality data.
Our services include the following: 10x Genomics single-cell gene expression, immune profiling, and ATACseq, 10x Genomics Visium spatial transcriptomics, 10x Genomics Xenium in situ sequencing, and Quanterix HD-X Simoa® bead-based immunoassays.
Genetic analyzer, referred to as Chromium Controller for combining large partition numbers with a diverse barcode library to generate >100,000 barcode-containing partitions. [Product Link]
Life Technologies QuantStudio 5 Real Time PCR System
Carry out rapid food protection testing with the Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR System. The and easy-to-use system is best for users who need superior performance, maximum dye versatility, and security options in a real time PCR system. The QuantStudio5 Food Safety System is a high performance benchtop platform combining ease-of-use and system connectivity. Benefit from the flexibility of a 6-channel, 96-well, cloud-enabled open platform suitable for running our full range of PCR solutions for food safety, authenticity, and quality testing. [Product Link]
Benchtop fluorometer that can be used for the quantitation of DNA, RNA, microRNA, and protein using the highly sensitive and accurate fluorescence-based Qubit quantitation assays. Additionally, Ion Sphere Particle quality can be evaluated on the Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer using the Ion Sphere Quality Control Kit prior to performing a sequencing run on the Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM) Sequencer. You can also use the Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer to directly measure the fluorescence of samples or to create new assay(s) using the MyQubit software pre-programmed into the instrument. [Product Link]