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UNC- Systems Genetics Core Facility

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Room 5111 Genetic Medicine Building

120 Mason Farm Road

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7264

United States

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Primary Contact:

Rachel Lynch

Last Updated: 08/24/2022

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The SGCF at UNC provides access to the Collaborative Cross (CC) resource to the research community. The CC is a multi-parental genetic reference mouse population derived from eight founder inbred strains, encompassing an extraordinary level of genetic diversity. The CC is an ideal population for studying complex traits and for identifying novel models of disease in the context of natural genetic variation. All 63 strains have been sequenced and have much genomic data. All of the CC strains are kept as live mouse strains. The UNC Systems Genetics Core Facility can provide breeding stock (for internal use unless other permission is acquired) or experimental cohorts.

Facility Policies

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