University of South Dakota
414 E Clark St, Lee Med Bldg. Room 127
Vermillion, SD 57069
United States this facility
Eduardo Callegari
Last Updated: 10/11/2022
The SD BRIN/USD Proteomics Core Facility provides state-of-the-art proteomics services to researchers from South Dakota, as well as nationwide and internationally. Since 2002, the USD PCF has been providing proteomics analyses, training in the use of common instrumentation such as scanner, spot cutter, imaging software, technique, and search engine tools for protein identification. Moreover, help in resolving protocol issues, sample preparation, data analysis and visualization, grant application support and proteomics requirement to submit data to specialize per review journals. Our goal is to provide to the researchers with the capability to analyze and identify protein expression patterns in their experimental systems.
Services are offerred outside of University of South Dakota
Consulting is offerred outside of University of South Dakota