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SD BRIN Genomics Core Facility

University of South Dakota

414 E Clark St

Vermillion, SD 57069

United States

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Primary Contact:

Dr. Kathy Eyster

Last Updated: 11/16/2010

Facility Details

The Genomics Core Facility will continue to support DNA microarray analysis of differential gene expression, RNA and DNA analysis by the Agilent microfluidics chip reader, and real time PCR/RT-PCR. To maintain the relevance of the core, we believe that it is important to add new services to the core to enable examination of the functions of genes that have been shown to be differentially expressed by DNA microarray. To this end, the GCF is currently purchasing the Amaxa Nucleofector II transfection equipment. This technology allows transfection of DNA constructs, RNAi/siRNA/ shRNA, peptides, antibodies and other biomolecules into living eukaryotic cells. The Amaxa nucleofection system is optimized for transfection of cells that are otherwise difficult to transfect.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of University of South Dakota