1440171887 Greenhouse Road, College of Pharmacy
Kingston, RI 02881
United States this facility
Christopher Hemme
Last Updated: 02/11/2025
The RI-INBRE Molecular Informatics Core provides services in sequencing (Illumina MiSeq, Sanger), bioinformatics analysis, access to molecular modeling software, and development of virtual reality applications. We are an NIH Data Sciences Core for Biomedical Research serving the Rhode Island community and are able to provide services to both biomedical and environmental researchers.
UNITED STATESorg_zipcode:
RI-INBRE Data Science – Molecular Informatics Core (MIC) Project Summary The overarching goal of the Rhode Island IDeA-Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (RI-INBRE) program is to improve institutional capacity for biomedical research excellence and student experiential training in the State of Rhode Island. The RI-INBRE Data Science – Molecular Informatics Core (MIC) provides biomedical data science services to RI-INBRE and the broader research community. In this renewal application, the MIC will restructure to reflect the expanded role of data science in biomedical research. The focus areas of the MIC will extend well beyond bioinformatics and include biomedical data science, next-generation sequencing, and 3D science visualization. Our model allows for future growth into new research areas, such as cloud computing and machine learning/artificial intelligence, to meet the current and future research needs of the RI biomedical community. We will provide bioinformatics and biomedical data science expertise, consulting, analysis, and training to investigators in and out of the RI-INBRE network. Given the rapid pace of emerging data science technologies, an essential goal of the MIC is to keep investigators and students informed of current technologies and methodologies via multiple outreach and training efforts. The MIC will collaborate with the RI- INBRE Centralized Research Core Facility to streamline and unify the omics data generation and analysis pipelines to increase efficiency and improve user experience. The MIC will serve as a liaison between users and other data science cores in the state and regional partners to ensure network investigators are apprised of available services and have access to a comprehensive slate of data science tools. These MIC initiatives will provide biomedical investigators with critical data science resources and training during the renewal period. This will promote biomedical research career development and collaborations that will fuel economic growth in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and life sciences industries in RI.project_title:
Data Science Corecontact_pi_name:
$210,658.00Services are offerred outside of University of Rhode Island
Consulting is offerred outside of University of Rhode Island