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Primary Contact:

Yi Wu

Last Updated: 02/11/2025

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The CCAM Microscopy Facility provides the UConn Health research community as well as other academic and industrial institutes, access to its state-of-the-art equipment for quantitative fluorescence imaging applications. Within the facility, there are two laser scanning confocal microscopes equipped with 34-channel high-efficiency QUASAR detectors. One of these microscopes supports nonlinear optical (also known as 2-photon) excitation, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). Additionally, there is a light sheet microscope available for micro/mesoscale 3D imaging. The Zeiss Elyra 7 microscope is capable of total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) and supports several super-resolution techniques such as lattice structured illumination microscopy (SIM), stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), 3D photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM), and DNA points accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (DNA-PAINT). For live cell imaging we offer the Nikon Crest V3 Spinning Disk Confocal microscope with excitation wavelengths ranging from 405 nm - 754 nm. This system is also equipped with a stage top incubation system with CO2 and O2. CCAM also has two widefield systems fully equipped to handle live, long term cell imaging.

Facility Policies

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