University of Colorado Boulder (UCB)
Established: 1876
Location: Boulder, United States
University of Colorado Boulder (UCB)
Established: 1876
Location: Boulder, United States
Alternate Identifiers
CrossRef Funder ID: 100007493
ISNI: 0000 0000 9621 4564
WikiData: Q736674
35 Core Facilities:
10 Service Outside the Institution
10 Consult Outside the Institution
Imaging (Cell, Molecular, PET, Translational)
Mass Spectrometry
Materials Characterization
Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical)
Cell Imaging
Computational - Biostatistics
Confocal Microscopy
Data Analysis
Data Processing And Interpretation
Electronic Design
Electronic Medical Device Prototyping
Electronics & Fabrication Shop
Electronics Repair
Fluorescence Microscope With Optical Sectioning Capability
High Content Screening
Image Aquisition
Image Data Management
Image Processing And Analysis
Live Cell Imaging
MachiningCryo-Electron Microscopy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)Correlative Light Electron Microscopy
Slide Scanning
Super-resolution Microscopy
TIRF Microscopy
Transmission Electron MicroscopyTransmission Electron Microscopy3D Visualization
Whole Slide Imaging
Widefield MicroscopyComputer Aided Design (CAD)
Mass Spectrometry
3415 Colorado Ave
Boulder, CO 80309 - United States of America
The Central Analytical Laboratory (CAL) Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Shared Research Core Facility offers analytical and instructional expertise in mass spectrometry with practical training and access to instrumentation. Located in room C1B90 of Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building and currently maintains several mass spectrometry systems that provide unique and complementary mass spectrometry capabilities.
Instruments are interfaced with chromatographic system in order to separate complex mixture samples. Offers training for open access to some instruments including Thermo GCMS and Waters Synapt G2 HDMS instruments.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
The Stat Lab is a CSU Core facility that provides statistical expertise for the benefit of advancing the quality of scientific research and education at CSU and beyond, while educating the next generation of applied statisticians.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Annette Herta Erbse
United States of America
SIP provides researchers with access to 40 + instruments and resources from basic research infrastructure to high-end, specialist biochemical and biophysical methods.
Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization:
Spectroscopy: Steady-state X-Band, CW-EPR, CD, fluorescence and UV/VIS
Fast kinetics: stopped-flow spectroscopy in CD, Fluorescence and UV/VIS mode, and chemical quench-flow analysis
Sizing and oligomerization: DLS, SEC-MALS, CG-MALS, Mass Photometry
Binding studies: ITC, MST, FP/Anisotropy (plate reader, cuvette-based, stopped-flow)
And more!
Basic Research Infrastructure
Multiple high-speed and ultra centrifuges and rotors
Sonicator, high-pressure fluidizer, mini-extruder
High-resolution, multimode laser imaging system; CCD-based gel and western imaging,
Autoclaves, lyophilizer, refractometer, liquid scintillation counters,…..
User Support
Consulting for project planning and experimental design
Hands-on instrument training, written step-by-step protocols, video tutorials
Support for experiment optimization and troubleshooting
Assistance with data analysis and evaluation
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Microbial culturing facility focused on growing microorganisms with diverse physiologies from photosynthesis to methanogenesis.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Image Aquisition
Image Data Management
Image Processing And Analysis
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
The Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium (INC) is a state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging research facility located at the University of Colorado Boulder.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Correlative Light Electron Microscopy
Fluorescence Microscope With Optical Sectioning Capability
Live Cell Imaging
Slide Scanning
Super-resolution Microscopy
TIRF Microscopy
Whole Slide Imaging
Widefield Microscopy
Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical)
Provides access to instruments and training. Instruments including HP Z8 with Imaris, Dell Precision 7910 Analysis PC, Olympus IX81 with fluorescence and slide scanning, Nikon Ti inverted with fluorescence and RGB, Nikon A1 N-SIM structured illumination super-resolution, 6 laser scanning confocal microscope with TIRF, Nikon Inverted Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope with 405nm FRAP/PA, Yokogawa/Olympus CV1000 spinning disk with full incubation, Zeiss 510 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope, Zeiss Discovery V.12 fluorescent stereoscope.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Electronic Design
Electronic Medical Device Prototyping
Electronics & Fabrication Shop
Electronics Repair
Dragan Mejic
3415 colorado ave.
boulder, CO 80303 - United States of America
Provides mechanical and electrical design and fabrication services at CU Boulder.Provides solutions for instructional and research needs for any department or college. Collectively comprised of machine shop and electronics shop, both of which are located in basement level of Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Christopher Robertson
United States of America
The CSU Drone Center offers consultation on drone systems, UAS project guidance, UAS piloting, assistance with UAS pilot training, liaison and navigation of FAA regulations, and as point of contact for UAS inquiries from outside the University. Further, the Center assists in authorizing flight requests at CSU and managing the Christman Airfield use for drone flights. The CSU Drone Center maintains a fleet of sUAS aircraft and air borne sensors.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Multidisciplinary core research facility and service center, within College of Engineering and Applied Science, that provides access to equipment in areas of micro and nanofabrication, nanomaterials characterization and metrology and offers expertise and advanced hands-on training. Offers common platform for convergence of multiple scientific and engineering disciplines and facilitates collaborative research with strategic partners and information exchange.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Materials Characterization
Tim White
Boulder, CO 80309 - United States
The Polymeric and Optical Materials Characterization (POM-C) Shared Facility is housed in Prof. Tim White’s laboratories at the University of Colorado. The facility specializes in material characterization of polymers, hydrogels, liquid crystals, and composites.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Data Analysis
Data Processing And Interpretation
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Charles Moe
4001 Discovery Drive Boulder, CO 80303
Boulder, CO 80303 - United States of America
The University of Colorado Boulder Biochemistry Department's Krios Electron Microscopy facility (BioKEM) offers single particle cryo-EM and cryo tomography of plunge-frozen samples. Using a Titan Krios G3i (funded by HHMI) for high resolution data collection on a Gatan K3 Direct Detection Camera the BioKEM facility is able to offer high-end data collection at atomic level resolution. The BioKEM facility uses Serial EM for SPA and cryo-ET data acquisition.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical)
Sadegh Yazdi
027 UCB, Suite N321, SEEC Boulder, CO 80309-0027
Boulder, CO 80309 - United States of America
The CU Facility for Electron Microscopy of Materials (CU FEMM) is an open access user facility that serves the entire CU Boulder campus and is also open to external users nationwide. The facility features state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopes housed in a vibration, static-free, and temperature-controlled environment. Designed to ensure the highest resolution possible, this uniquely constructed and renovated facility enables the study of structure and chemistry at the atomic scale by isolating instruments from thermal, vibration, and electromagnetic interference. CU FEMM’s instruments, specifically the Thermo Fisher Titan Themis 300, is equipped for probe aberration correction, making it a unique instrument within the region for obtaining atomic-resolution images and elemental maps.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Aaron Bell
United States of America
The electron microprobe is the premiere instrument for performing non-destructive, in-situ, quantitative chemical analysis of solid materials via wavelength dispersive spectrometry. EMP surface analyses provide chemical information with a high degree of spatial resolution with analytical volumes as low as 3-5 μm3. Elements ranging from Boron (Z=5) to Uranium (Z=92) can be routinely analyzed with detection limits as low as 50 ppm. The EML is housed within the Department of Geological Sciences. The lab is equipped with JEOL 8230 Electron Microprobe. This instrument was purchased in 2017 with an NSF MRI award. The laboratory also contains a Leica ACE600 carbon thin film evaporation system for the preparation of non-conductive samples.
Common Applications Include: Mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, metallurgy, materials science, monazite U-Th-Pb geochronolgy, archeometry and glass science
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
3D Visualization
Cell Imaging
Computational - Biostatistics
Confocal Microscopy
Data Analysis
High Content Screening
Imaging (Cell, Molecular, PET, Translational)
Joe Dragavon
3415 Colorado Avenue
Boulder, CO 80303 - United States of America
The BioFrontiers Advanced Light Microscopy Core is a user facility designed to advance biological discovery through quantitative microscopy techniques. The facility is open all researchers from academia, national labs and industry. Current demands in biological research require the capability to observe cellular and sub-cellular events and phenomena both punctually as well as over time. The BioFrontiers Advanced Light Microscopy Core is capable to meet these imaging needs. The low signal levels that result from biologically important processes, as well as the spatio-temporal dynamic nature of these processes (3D; millisecond timescales; longitudinal observation), necessitates the use of versatile, reconfigurable, high-speed, and high-sensitivity imaging technologies. Multiple imaging technologies are housed within the BioFrontiers Advanced Light Microscopy Core that can meet these rigorous demands, ranging from conventional widefield to state-of-the-art Super Resolution/localization microscopies.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Core provides number of specialized measuring tools for optical and surface characterization, as well as expertise in fiber optics.Fabrication facility is Class 100/1000 (ISO 5/6) clean room for fabrication at micron and nanometer scale. Training and consultation is provided.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Provides centrally managed experimental testing facility offering geotechnical centrifuge, structural dynamics and materials testing. Facility boasts unique large-scale, fast loading rate, gravitational and environmental control capabilities.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Theresa Stines Nahreini
United States of America
Provides investigators within the Department a user-friendly, shared environment where researchers can advance discovery in diverse areas such as cancer biology, drug discovery, nanomaterial analysis and basic life science. Provides Biosafety Cabinets, CO2 Incubators including viral and variable oxygen (tri-gas)
Insect cell incubator and shaker, Large-scale mammalian incubator, Routine mycoplasma testing,FBS testing,Training, In-house media preparation.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Kathryn Ann Ramirez Aguilar
United States of America
Core provides instruments including Shared Stirling Ultracold Ultra Low Temperature Freezer
and Shared Thermo Scientific Ultracold Ultra Low Temperature Freezer.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Magnetic resonance imaging research facility. Provides Tesla Siemens MAGNETOM Prismafit MRI scanner, located at Center for Innovation and Creativity (CINC) on CU Boulder campus.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Shared facility provides space for culturing human induced plurupotent stem cells on second floor of Porter Biosciences. Provides biosafety cabinets,CO2 and variable oxygen control incubators, inverted phase contrast microscopes, and sterile dissection hood equipped with dissecting microscope and heated stage,inverted fluorescence microscopes with live-cell time-lapse capabilities, centrifuges, liquid nitrogen cryostorage space, refrigerators, freezers, water baths, dedicated bioengineering space, and viral expression core. Routine mycoplasma testing is performed in-house and karyotyping services are carried out via contract.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Annette Herta Erbse
United States of America
Provides resources for crystallization and structure determination of biological macromolecules and complexes. Supports research in the Department of Biochemistry. We are happy to extend our help to researchers from the broader CU community and to researchers outside the university, if time and availability allow us too.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
IRiSS is a CSU Core facility that provides social science research expertise and resources for the design, collection, management, analysis, and dissemination of original social science data, including interviews, focus groups, surveys, photo voice, social network analysis, program evaluation, team assessments, and mixed-method studies.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
The Geospatial Centroid at CSU Libraries is a Core facility that provides technical guidance, project support, and diverse training opportunities in the geospatial sciences. With expertise in GIS (geographic information systems), spatial analysis, web mapping, and cartography, the Centroid supports researchers in spatial data development, analysis, visualization, and publication-ready maps.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Dr. Marcela Henao-Tamayo and Dr. Taru S Dutt
United States of America
The FCF provide easy and cost effective access to state-of-the-art flow cytometry and cell sorting instrumentation, services, and expertise for all researchers at Colorado State University. FCF includes spectral flow cytometers Cytek Aurora (3 and 4 lasers) which enables users to perform more than 25 markers in a sample. FCF also has 10X Genomics chromium controller used to barcode single cells to perform single cell sequencing. We also offer data analysis of these complex flow cytmetry and single cell sequencing samples using R programming or bash shell based pipelines.
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This facility does not consult outside its institution
Facility is equipped with instruments for both high throughput and high content biochemical and cell based assays, including live cell assays.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
James Metcalf
United States of America
Fully equipped (U-Th)/He thermochronology facility.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Theresa Stines Nahreini
United States of America
Provides instruments including BD Accuri C6 Cytometer with Automated, multisampler/Flow Cytometer,BDFACSCelesta Flow Cytometer Analyzer,BD FACSAria Fusion Cell Sorter.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Core serves research needs of entire campus community as well as outside research entities. Facility maintains a variety of NMR spectrometers at variety of magnetic fields to support research needs.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Nadia Dildar
United States of America
Shared analytical facility for multidisciplinary and collaborative research in fields as diverse as biogeochemistry, geobiology, astrobiology, environmental microbiology, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, and energy, among others.Focuses on extraction, purification, separation, and chemical and isotopic characterization of organic molecules extracted from environmental and culture samples.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Purpose is to connect MCDB, EBIO, and IPHY researchers to campus research resources.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Amber S. Scott
United States of America
Core instruments include Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 system provides sizing, quantitation and quality control of DNA, RNA and proteins, Illumina MiSeq sequencer, able to sequence prepared Illumina DNA or RNA libraries at low- to mid- output (0.75 to 13 Gbp per run), Illumina NextSeq sequencer capable of sequencing Illumina DNA or RNA libraries, QuantStudio 6 Real-Time PCR uses fluorescence detection method for quantitative and qualitative analysis of nucleic acid sequences including gene expression, regulation and variation, Qubit Fluorimeter 3.0 capable of measuring DNA or RNA concentrations with high accuracy.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Shafer Soars
United States of America
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Joseph E MacLennan
United States of America
Provides cutting edge capabilities for probing large lengthscale structures such as polymers, biological macromolecules, meso- and nano-porous materials, and molecular self-assemblies.Techniques that can be applied to study materials include SAXS, GISAXS, WAXS, and GIWAXS. The 30W Xenocs Genix 3D x-ray source and state-of-the-art Dectris Eiger R 1M detector provide an excellent way to probe almost any material of interest. In-situ x-ray studies may be carried out using temperature controlled sample holders in both SAXS and GISAXS modes..
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Eric T Ellison
United States of America
Core research facility housed in Department of Geological Sciences for fast, non-destructive characterization and chemical imaging of diverse materials spanning minerals (thin sections and powders), biological samples, fluids, dissolved gases, and much more.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Brett Davidheiser-Kroll
United States of America
Designed to measure relative abundance of stable isotopes of light elements and molecules.
This facility does not provide services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution