New York University School of Medicine
Established: 1841
Location: New York, United States
New York University School of Medicine
Established: 1841
Location: New York, United States
16 Core Facilities:
16 Service Outside the Institution
15 Consult Outside the Institution
Flow Cytometry
Imaging (Cell, Molecular, PET, Translational)
Cell Sorting
Clinical Imaging - Small Animal (X-ray, Ultrasound, microCAT, MRI)
Confocal Microscopy
Correlative Light Electron Microscopy
Data Analysis
Data AnalysisCell Imaging
Data AnalysisHistology
Electron Microscopy
Flow Cytometric AnalysisLipidomics
Image Processing And Analysis
ImmunohistochemistryCell Sorting
In Situ Hybridization
In-vivo Imaging
Mass Spectrometry
Metabolomics Platform
Multiphoton Microscopy
Nucleic Acid ExtractionDNA Analysis
Patch Clamp
Plate ReaderBioBanking
RNA analysisAssays and MeasurementsTissue CultureMicroarray
Sample Preparation
Sequencing - DNA Sequencing
Sequencing - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)Proteomics
Sequencing - Protein Sequencing
Serial Block Face (SBF)
Serial Block Face (SBF) SEM Cell Culture
Slide Scanning
Untargeted Mass SpectrometryAssays and Measurements
Whole Slide ImagingCell Imaging
Clinical Imaging - Small Animal (X-ray, Ultrasound, microCAT, MRI)
Data Analysis
Imaging (Cell, Molecular, PET, Translational)
Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory Editor
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
Other CIDs:P30CA016087
NYU School of Medicine’s Preclinical Imaging Laboratory provides investigators with access to state-of-the-art imaging technologies and strategies to image live animals at the organ, tissue, cell, or molecular level. Our technologies are indispensable to researchers studying and monitoring disease in small living subjects. Built in partnership with the Department of Radiology, our newly renovated, 4,000 square foot facility opened in May 2016 and enables researchers to perform noninvasive and nonlethal three-dimensional imaging. The lab is equipped with powerful instruments for micromagnetic resonance imaging, micropositron emission tomography, X-ray microcomputed tomography, bioluminescence and fluorescence scanning, and high-frequency ultrasound. Our instruments are located conveniently throughout NYU Langone’s facilities on First Avenue in Manhattan. Trained researchers can use them upon approval and for a fee. Devices are located either within or outside the pathogenic barrier and near the various vivaria, providing expanded access and support to investigators conducting diverse biomedical research projects. We welcome investigators conducting short-term evaluations of animal models or efficient longitudinal studies. The lab is directed by Youssef Zaim Wadghiri, PhD, associate professor, Department of Radiology, and has four full-time staff.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Cell Imaging
Confocal Microscopy
Correlative Light Electron Microscopy
Data Analysis
Electron Microscopy
In-vivo Imaging
Multiphoton Microscopy
Serial Block Face (SBF)
Serial Block Face (SBF) SEM
Alice Liang
550 First Avenue
Medical Science Building, Room 399
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
NYULH‘s is a comprehensive light and electron microscopy imaging facility dedicated to bringing state-of-the-art methods in contemporary imaging and digital analysis to biomedical scientists with all levels of expertise. The NYULH Microscopy Laboratory provides access to highly specialized equipment and unique expertise, including:
1. Light microscopy technologies include high-throughput, transmitted-light, wide-field fluorescence, laser scanning confocal with spectral detection, TIRF, ratio FRET, FLIM, FCS, FRAP, multi-photon, lightsheet fluorescence microscopy and single molecule localization.
2. Electron microscopy services include negative staining, rotary shadowing, morphological analysis with chemical or high-pressure freezing fixation method, on-section immunolabeling with acrylate-based resins or Tokuyasu cryo thin section method, whole-mount and preembedment immunolabeling, correlative light and electron microscopy, and volume electron microscopy with serial sections, electron tomography, and SBF-SEM.
3. Image analysis using various software, such as Imaris, ORS Dragonfly, Volocity and ImageJ.
4. Consultations and 1-on-1 assistance with issues of experimental design and instrument usage
6. Storage, processing, annotation, and analysis of imaging data
7. Educational activities to assist the user community with various aspects of microscopy, image analysis and other fields of modern biology
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Cell Culture
Data Analysis
Patch Clamp
Plate Reader
Soomin C. Song
435 E 30th St
Science Building, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
The Ion Laboratory, also known as the IonLab, is a new electrophysiology core facility that is part of the Ion Channels and Transporters in Immunity Research Program directed by Stefan Feske, MD, in NYU Langone’s Department of Pathology. The IonLab facilitates research in the area of ion channel and transporter function and ionic signaling in immune cells, but welcomes users who are studying other cell types or organ systems.
Led by Director William A. Coetzee, DSc, the IonLab services are available to all investigators at NYU Langone, regardless of whether they have prior experience in measuring ion channel currents, transporter function and ionic signaling. The lab is also available to investigators in the larger NYU community, other academic institutions in the New York area, and industry partners.
The day to day operations of the lab are led by Soomin C. Song, Operations Manager, and Jerome Petit-Jacques, Assistant Director, who are available to assist users with experimental design, training, implementation, and data analysis.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
In Situ Hybridization
Sample Preparation
Slide Scanning
Whole Slide Imaging
Luis Chiriboga
550 First Avenue
Medical Science Building RM 377
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
The mission of the Center for Biospecimen Research and Development (CBRD), Histology & Immunohistochemistry Laboratory is to assist researchers and clinicians with the molecular and morphologic characterization of normal and disease tissues of interest in support of biomarker discovery and translational research. The center operates a full suite histology laboratory that offers both routine and advanced histology immunohistochemistry, in situ and whole slide scanning services.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Cell Imaging
Cell Sorting
Data Analysis
Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory Editor
NYU Langone Medical Center
550 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
The Precision Immunology Laboratory at NYU Langone studies immune cell phenotype and function, characterizes antitumor immune responses, determines mechanisms of immune escape and evasion, and develops biomarkers that predict patient outcomes or possible toxicities. Offers services for immune monitoring,provides expert knowledge that guides choice of technologies used for study, coordinates purchase, quality control, and use of reagents. Stand-alone services include high-quality cell processing and storage to support correlative studies. These services allow convenient batched analysis of trial samples.Staff purifies peripheral blood mononuclear cells daily from clinic visits and another staff member is available for on-demand and after-hours processing. Samples are cryopreserved on-site in temperature-monitored LN2 freezers for short-term storage. For long-term storage, samples are transferred to Novare Biologistics,off-site cGMP-compliant, New York State-licensed, and FDA-registered biorepository.\\nRoutinely assess quality of processing and cryopreservation. Core meets performance targets for cell viability and recovery necessary for certification by Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg. Offers service for isolating tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes using dissociation protocols optimized for various tumor tissues. Offers flow cytometry at Perlmutter Cancer Center, along with expert service and training. Sterile fluorescence-activated cell sorting (17 colors) is routinely performed with options for high-speed (50K cells per second), single-cell deposition (into polymerase chain reaction plates), and BSL-3 sorting for unscreened or infected human material. Data analysis workstations are also available.Offers single-cell analysis through our cutting-edge 30-parameter flow cytometry technology and Integrated Molecular Cytometry Platforms (IMCPs).
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Image Processing And Analysis
Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory Editor
New York University
550 First Avenue Medical Science Building Rm 379
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
Other CIDs:P30CA016087
Core provides services, access to instruments, and training to facilitate production of animal tissue samples for morphological and molecular analyses. Supports multiplex immunofluorescence staining, RNA in situ hybridization (ISH), and imaging analysis. \\nServices include tissue preparation, processing, and sectioning, as well as histochemistry and immunohistochemistry of fresh, frozen, and fixed animal tissues, can optimize and validate commercial or proprietary antibodies for chromogenic or fluorescence-based immunohistochemistry including seven-color multiplexing.Provides access to database listing antibodies that have been tested in lab to date and are currently in stock.Offers basic imaging resources and digital whole-slide scanning of stained tissue sections, which allows researchers to view their slides online at their convenience.Researchers can also rent our self-service instruments. These include embedding station, microtome, cryostat, and vibratome. Provides access to brightfield and fluorescence upright and dissecting microscopes,laser capture microdissection scope, and high-throughput multispectral imaging system.To reserve time on instrument, faculty, staff, and investigators must be registered in iLab.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Aristotelis Tsirigos
227 East 30th Street
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
NYU Langone's Applied Bioinformatics Laboratories provide computational analysis for high-throughput genomic data, including but not limited to, next-generation sequencing data. Our mission is to accelerate scientific discoveries by guiding experimental design, performing robust data quality assessment, and carrying out comprehensive computational analyses.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility does not consult outside its institution
Cell Sorting
Flow Cytometric Analysis
Flow Cytometry
Peter Lopez
540 First Avenue
Skirball Building, Lab 3-9
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
Researchers partnering with NYU Langone™'s Cytometry and Cell Sorting Laboratory have access to the most powerful and adaptable flow cytometry and cell sorting technologies and instruments available. If your research requires cytometric analysis, our state-of-the-art instruments acquire optical measurements using different lasers to detect fluorophores with a high level of precision.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Mass Spectrometry
Metabolomics Platform
Untargeted Mass Spectrometry
Drew Jones
430 E29th Street
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
NYU Langone’s Metabolomics Laboratory offers custom metabolomics services to our investigators and the greater scientific community. We specialize in mass spectrometry–based metabolomics, offering global (untargeted) and targeted methods for metabolite identification and quantification.
Commonly assayed targets include glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates, amino acids, nucleotides, and lipids. Using a custom-targeted method, we can perform absolute or relative quantification, flux analysis, and biotransformation analysis.
Our untargeted platform enables the detection of several thousand metabolite peaks from a typical sample of cells or tissue, focusing on either hydrophilic or hydrophobic metabolites. These data can be used to identify differentially regulated features, candidate markers, metabolite structures, and more.
Whether your goal is to measure a specific metabolite or explore the global metabolome of your samples, we tailor the analyses to your experiment.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Assays and Measurements
Data Analysis
RNA analysis
Brianna Alvarez
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
NYU Langone’s High Throughput Biology Laboratory is a shared resource dedicated to aiding researchers in the innovative development, optimization, screening, and imaging of mid- and high throughput assays.
We support researchers by providing high throughput and high content screening services and equipment. These include the latest in automated liquid handling, imaging technologies, and multimode plate readers. In addition, we deliver logistical, technical, and bioinformatics support in the performance and interpretation of your experiments.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Brianna Alvarez
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
The Rodent Behavior Laboratory at NYU Langone offers equipment, facilities, and expertise that enable investigators to quantitatively assess a broad range of behaviors in mice and rats. We provide an array of technologies and services at reasonable fees, including access to state-of-the-art equipment and facilities and comprehensive research support and training. In addition, we help you generate rigorous and reproducible results on a variety of standardized testing protocols.
We also develop and validate novel paradigms to improve translation of preclinical behavioral results to clinically relevant outcome measures and create better tools for biobehavioral research.
Staff scientists at NYU Langone’s Rodent Behavior Laboratory are continually innovating technologies and acquiring new equipment to enable effective research. Recent additions include custom-built running wheels and software for mouse home cages.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Assays and Measurements
Brianna Alvarez
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
NYU Langone's Translational Research Laboratory provides investigators performing translational research with access to specialized technologies, advanced instruments, and research design support. Our staff can conduct research on your behalf or provide training on sophisticated equipment so you can perform complex studies on your own.We also provide immune monitoring services to support investigators working on phase I or phase II clinical trials. We follow the Minimal Information About T cell Assays (MIATA) guidelines for using validated immunological assays. All our services comply with rigorous quality-control standards.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Tissue Culture
Brianna Alvarez
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
Researchers using complex genetically modified animal models recognize that genotyping is tedious and time-consuming, with no room for error. NYU Langone’s Genotyping Core Laboratory provides fast, accurate, convenient, and affordable genotyping technologies. We use conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and gel electrophoresis methods. By pooling samples from a group of users, we can better ensure accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and quality control.
Our team of professional technicians and scientists has years of genotyping and troubleshooting experience, averaging 1,500 tails per month from an expanding library of more than 175 protocols.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Nucleic Acid Extraction
Brianna Alvarez
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
NYU School of Medicine’s Center for Biospecimen Research and Development was launched as a partnership between the Office of Science and Research and the Department of Pathology. Our center’s mission is to drive scientific discovery through the use of human specimens. We help our investigators facilitate translational research, match human specimen resources to scientific needs, foster multi-investigator collaborative projects, and catalyze scientific innovation.
Our center is also focused on increasing clinical trial support for investigator-initiated trials, improving researcher access to existing biospecimen resources, and enhancing institution-wide tissue-banking efforts and capacity. Another priority is to implement a campus-wide policy for human biospecimen collection and storage to ensure regulatory compliance.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
DNA Analysis
Sequencing - DNA Sequencing
Sequencing - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Brianna Alvarez
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
NYULMC's Genome Technology Center provides an environment that facilitates crosstalk between researchers from different fields such as biology, chemistry and bioinformatics. The NYULMC Genome Technology Center provides access to highly specialized equipment and unique expertise, including:
1. high-throughput genomic and computational methodologies, such as gene and microRNA expression profiling and functional genomics experiments (protein:chromatin DNA interactions)
2. genome-wide array- and quantitative PCR-based expression profiling
3. high-capacity chromatin structure studies (ChIP-on-chip)
4. DNA analyses (whole genome SNP genotyping, high-resolution chromosome copy number analysis, high-capacity quantitative PCR and pyrosequencing)
5. consultations and 1-on-1 assistance with issues of experimental design
6. storage, annotation, processing, and analysis of data
7. educational activities to assist the user community with various aspects of genomics, bioinformatics and other fields of modern biology
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution
Sequencing - Protein Sequencing
Brianna Alvarez
New York, NY 10016 - United States of America
NYU School of Medicine’s Proteomics Laboratory offers investigators specialized expertise for the analysis of proteins and peptides using mass spectrometry. Our laboratory continually develops new methods and customized approaches for proteomic analysis and suggests experimental strategies and sample preparation prior to mass spectrometry analysis.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution