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All Facilities >> UTSW - Whole Brain Microscopy Facility (Microscopy (Electron, Fluorescence, Optical))
Facility Details
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UT Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-8813
United States of America this facility
Denise Ramirez
Last Updated: 06/28/2022
The Whole Brain Microscopy Facility (WBMF) in the UT Southwestern Department of Neurology was established in 2014 and is supported by the Texas Institute for Brain Injury and Repair (TIBIR). The facility is particularly well-suited to advance the study of traumatic brain injury as well as other neurological and psychiatric disorders by utilizing cutting-edge microscopy strategies to evaluate neuropathology across micro-, meso-, and macro-scales of inquiry. These techniques enable the tracing of neuronal projections from injured sites to their long-range targets, allowing crucial and previously unfeasible studies into the altered connections established by neurons following brain injury.
We provide access to several high-throughput microscopes for UT Southwestern and external researchers. WBMF houses two TissueVision TissueCyte 1000 instruments for the purpose of generating high-resolution, 3D renderings of entire rodent brains as well as two slide scanning microscopes (Hamamatsu Nanozoomer and Zeiss Axioscan.Z1) for the purpose of creating digital images of whole slides. We have dedicated computational science staff to perform automated quantitative image analysis at the whole brain or whole slide level. We also offer cryosectioning, general histological staining such as H&E, cresyl violet, or Luxol Fast Blue, and immunostaining.
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Computational - High Performance Computing
Data Analysis And Interpretation
Data Processing And Interpretation
Fluorescence Microscope With Optical Sectioning Capability
Leica CM1950 Cryostat
The Leica CM1950 is a highly adaptable cryostat platform that can be tailor-made for each laboratory. By starting with the standard instrument and choosing from a range of options, every laboratory can have a clinical cryostat for their individual needs. Innovation and human-oriented features provide a cryostat with a new level of performance. The CM1950 is a high-performance cryostat with an encapsulated microtome and separate specimen cooling. It features a UV disinfection system, an (optional) integrated extraction system for section waste and an (optional) motor for motorized sectioning. The cryostat is designed to produce frozen sections for biological, medical and industrial applications. The CM1950 is suitable for in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) applications. [Product Link]
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Leica VT1200S vibrating microtome
Fully automated Leica VT1200 S vibrating blade microtome is designed to meet the highest sectioning demands for cutting fresh and fixed tissue in Neuroscience. To achieve sections of the highest quality that retain viable cells on the section surface, the vertical deflection of the blade can be measured by Leica's Vibrocheck measurement device and minimised with the blade holder. The instrument was designed in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Peter Jonas and his group at the Physiology Department, Freiburg Germany. [Product Link]
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TissueVision TissueCyte 1000 Photon Imaging System
Whole organ serial two photon tomography imaging platform that allows imaging of whole fixed organs based on high speed two photon microscopy TPM and integrated tissue sectioning. [Product Link]
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ZEISS Axio Scan.Z1 Slide Scanner
Digitize your specimens with the Axio Scan.Z1 slide scanner and create high-quality virtual slides. Axio Scan.Z1 tackles the most demanding virtual microscopy research tasks as easily as it handles your routine work. The software module ZEN slidescan is designed specifically for the workflow of capturing virtual slides, while ZEN image analysis tools prepare your data accurately. Organize your virtual slides with ZEN browser, the web-based database, then view your data from any location using any operating system , or share virtual microscopy images online with colleagues and organize your projects, even when you are on the go. [Product Link]
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Zeiss Axioscan.Z1
Hamamatsu Nanozoomer
Leica fluorescence stereomicroscope
Leica sliding microtome
MBF Bioscience Neurolucida 360
MBF Bioscience StereoInvestigator
Olympus Phaseview Lightsheet microscope
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Traumatic, brain, injury, neurological, psychiatric, disorder, microscopy, evaluate, neuropathy, stereological, analysis, neuron, tracing, 3D, rendering, dataset, service, core, ABRF
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access service resource, core facility, service resource
Texas University Southwestern Medical Center Whole Brain Microscopy Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017949)
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