Georgetown University
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
3900 Reservoir Rd NW, Research Building, Room E401
Washington, DC 20057
United States of America this facility
Habtom Ressom
Last Updated: 10/14/2011
The Genomics & Epigenomics Shared Resource (GESR) provides services for various high throughput experiments including gene expression profiling, SNP genotyping, CNV analysis, DNA methylation, microRNA expression profiling, siRNA screening, DNA/RNA isolation, RNA quality assessment, DNA plating and assay preparation, DNA sequencing, and fragment analysis. GESR uses state-of-the-art instruments and assays to provide these services. These include Affymetrix Microarray System, Agilent Microarray System, Applied Biosystems TaqMan assays, Illumina BeadXpress, Qiagen PyromarkMD, Qiagen Qiacube, Agilent Bioanalyzer, Beckman Multimek NXP Robotic Liquid Handling System, and Applied Biosystems Sequence Analyzer. In addition, GESR houses several user-operated specialized instruments for which the shared resource personnel provide technical support and training.
Services are offerred outside of Georgetown University