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All Facilities >> Tulane University >> TNPRC High Containment Research Performance Core
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TNPRC High Containment Research Performance Core
18703 Three Rivers Road
Covington, LA 70433
United States this facility
Nadia Golden
Last Updated: 12/01/2023
The High Containment Research Performance Core (HCRPC) provides full or partial support for researchers seeking to perform BSL3 and BSL2/BSL3 Select Agent studies and provides services for bacterial/viral culture and propagation, sample preparation, and processing of blood, BAL, single cell isolation, flow cytometry, and more. This core offers project management assistance in study design, budgeting, and IACUC and IBC preparation. Our standard operating procedures have been tested to ensure consistent practices and have undergone rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure reproducibility. The HCRPC offers assay services for qPCR, O’link Q100, Biorad Bioplex 200 , Meso QuickPlex SQ120 Imager and the Microscope Axio Observer.
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Life Technologies QuantStudio 6 Real Time PCR System
QuantStudio 6 Flex system accommodates the interchange of a 96-well, 96-well Fast, or 384-well block. The system is delivered with one block type (a 96-well block in this case); other block types may be purchased separately. For a system that also supports TaqMan array cards, as well as automation, please see our QuantStudio 7 Flex system. The QuantStudio 6 Flex system can also be upgraded to a QuantStudio 7 Flex system at a later date, as your needs change. For the ultimate in productivity, consider the QuantStudio 12K Flex system, which also accommodates TaqMan OpenArray plates. [Product Link]
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Miltenyi gentleMACS Octo Dissociator Tissue Dissociator
Benchtop instrument for semi automated and standardized tissue dissociation or homogenization of up to eight samples. Single cell suspensions or thorough homogenates from virtually any tissues are reproducibly obtained using uniquecanTubes or M Tubes. [Product Link]
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Biorad Bio-plex 200 system
Suspension array system which offers protein and nucleic acid multiplex assays
MSD Mesoscale QuickPlex SQ120 Imager
Multiplexing plate reading. Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay for detecting biomarkers and proteins in biological samples.
O'Link O'Link Signature Q100 System
Developed specifically for O'link target and focus protein biomarker panels.
Zeiss Axio Oberver.7 Microscope
open and flexible inverted microscope platform for multimodal imaging of living and fixed specimens.
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Institution ROR ID:
ABRF, BSL3 and BSL2/BSL3 Select Agent studies, bacterial/viral culture and propagation, sample preparation, processing of blood, BAL, single cell isolation, flow cytometry,
Resource Type:
core facility, service resource, access service resource
Tulane University TNPRC High Containment Research Performance Core Facility (RRID:SCR_024612)
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