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All Facilities >> Virginia Commonwealth University >> VCU Genomics Core (Genomics / Genome Analysis and Technologies)
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1101 E. Marshall St
Sanger Hall Rm. 5-028 Richmond, VA 23298
Richmond, VA 23298
United States this facility
Karolina Aberg
Last Updated: 12/14/2022
The Genomics Core facility in Richmond VA, maintains a significant portfolio of instrumentation to support advanced sample/library preparation, high-throughput sequencing, real-time PCR and analysis.
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10X Genomics Chromium Plus Genetic Analyzer
Genetic analyzer, referred to as Chromium Controller for combining large partition numbers with a diverse barcode library to generate >100,000 barcode-containing partitions. [Product Link]
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Agilent TapeStation Laptop
TapeStation Laptop is used to standardize data acquisition and analysis. [Product Link]
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Covaris E220evolution Focused-Ultrasonicator
Focused ultrasonicator that enables multi sample, batch preparation, capable of processing wide range of sample types and volumes. [Product Link]
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Illumina MiSeq System
Access focused applications such as targeted resequencing, metagenomics, small genome sequencing, targeted gene expression profiling, and more. MiSeq reagents enable up to 15 Gb of output with 25 million sequencing reads and 2 × 300 bp read lengths. [Product Link]
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Illumina NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Sequencing Systems
Benchtop sequencers that allow you to explore new science across variety of current and emerging applications, with higher efficiency and fewer restraints. [Product Link]
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Nanodrop Qubit 3 Fluorometer
Benchtop fluorometer that can be used for the quantitation of DNA, RNA, microRNA, and protein using the highly sensitive and accurate fluorescence-based Qubit quantitation assays. Additionally, Ion Sphere Particle quality can be evaluated on the Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer using the Ion Sphere Quality Control Kit prior to performing a sequencing run on the Ion Personal Genome Machine (PGM) Sequencer. You can also use the Qubit 3.0 Fluorometer to directly measure the fluorescence of samples or to create new assay(s) using the MyQubit software pre-programmed into the instrument. [Product Link]
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Sage Science BluePippin system
Used for DNA Size Selection for Next-Gen Sequencing, with Pulsed-Field (100bp ? 50kb).BluePippin has the DNA capabilities of the Pippin Prep, plus the extra benefit of pulsed-field electrophoresis for resolving and collecting high molecular weight DNA. For long-range genomic applications, high-pass filtering allows users to collect all fragments above a size threshold set by the user. Target sizes or ranges of sizes are entered in software, and fractions are collected in buffer. Up to 5 samples/gel cassette may be run, with no possibility of cross contamination. [Product Link]
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Thermo Scientific™ Nanodrop 2000 microvolume spectrophotometer
Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop 2000 is a full-spectrum, UV-Vis spectrophotometers that quantifies and assesses purity of DNA, RNA, Protein and more. The NanoDrop 2000 and its series companion 2000c have patented sample retention technology that measure sample volumes as small as 0.5μL. [Product Link]
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, ABRF, advanced sample/library preparation, high-throughput sequencing, real-time PCR
Resource Type:
core facility, access service resource, service resource
Virginia Commonwealth University Genomics Core Facility (RRID:SCR_023050)
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