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All Facilities >> Instituto Nacional de Cancerología >> Advanced Microscopy Applications Unit (ADMiRA)
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Ave. San Fernando 22, Belisario Domínguez Sección 16, Tlalpan, 14080
Ciudad de Mexico,
Colombiahttps://www.admiramicro.comcite this facility
Alejandro Lopez-Saavedra
Last Updated: 05/26/2024
The Advanced Microscopy Applications Unit (ADMiRA) is an Imaging Core Facility located within the National Cancer Institute of Mexico. It provides scientific and technical support in imaging to diverse communities including academy, industry, health care, government sector, etc. Imaging technologies in ADMiRA include: Confocal, Widefield, Super-Resolution, Lightsheet, FIB-SEM, Laser Microdisection, and Automated digital scanning.
Services are offerred outside of Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
Consulting is offerred outside of Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
ZEISS Axio Scan.Z1 Slide Scanner
Digitize your specimens with the Axio Scan.Z1 slide scanner and create high-quality virtual slides. Axio Scan.Z1 tackles the most demanding virtual microscopy research tasks as easily as it handles your routine work. The software module ZEN slidescan is designed specifically for the workflow of capturing virtual slides, while ZEN image analysis tools prepare your data accurately. Organize your virtual slides with ZEN browser, the web-based database, then view your data from any location using any operating system , or share virtual microscopy images online with colleagues and organize your projects, even when you are on the go. [Product Link]
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Zeiss Axio Vert series Axiovert 200 inverted microscope
Inverted microscope that is used for the examination of cell and tissue culture of sediments in culture flasks, Petri dishes, microtiter plates, etc. in transmitted and reflected light. It hass attachment possibilities for various tools (micromanipulation), different light sources, temperature control devices. [Product Link]
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Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1 Lightsheet Fluorescence Microscope
Light sheet fluorescence microscope for the imaging of large cleared specimens. Lightsheet Z.1 with Clr Plan-Apochromat 20x/1.0 Corr nd=1.38 is used to perform experiments with tissue cleared by Scale medium (Hama et al, Nat Neurosci. 2011), which has a refractive index of n=1.38. [Product Link]
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Zeiss LSM 710 Confocal Inverted Microscope
LSM 710 is a confocal is an inverted microscope that enables confocal microscopy for a wide variety of applications. You work with up to ten dyes and use continuous spectral detection across the complete wavelength range. With the inverse Axio Observer from Carl Zeiss, LSM 710 offers you unrivalled confocal microscopy in cell and developmental biology. Upright stands such as Axio Imager or Axio Examiner offer you have all the equipment you need to record neurobiological, physiological and developmental relationships to an exceptional standard. [Product Link]
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Zeiss PALM MicroBeam PALM
PALM MicroBeam scanning electron microscope for isolating uncontaminated source material simple. [Product Link]
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Zeiss PALM MicroTweezers
Optical tweezers system for contact free cell manipulation as well as to trap, move, and sort microscopic particles, sort live cells, organelles, and other large biomolecules. [Product Link]
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Metasystems METAFER
Software coupled with an AxioIimager.Z2 for whole slide scanning. Designed for imaging mitotic cells and karyotyping
ZEISS AxioImager.A2
Upright microscope. Brightfield, Phase contrast, Dark field, Epifluorescence. Coupled with an Axiocam ICC5
ZEISS AxioImager.Z2 with METAFER
Upright microscope with motorized stage for scanning through Metasystem software (mitotic cells, ABL/BCR translocation/ ISIS software for karyotyping
ZEISS Axioskop2 Mot Plus
Upright microscope, motorized stage only in Z direction. Brightfield, Darkfield, Phase Contrast, Epifluorescence. Coupled with an AxioCam 305
ZEISS AxioVert A1
Inverted microscope. Brightfield, Phase contrast, Epifluorescence (Led). Coupled with an AxioCam 305
ZEISS Discovery.V12
Stereomicroscope with an Axiocam 305. Objectives: PlanApo S 0.63X, Plan S 1.0X, and PlanApo S 1.5X
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, ABRF, Imaging, Confocal, Widefield, Super-Resolution, Lightsheet, FIB-SEM, Laser Microdisection, Automated digital scanning
Resource Type:
core facility, access service resource, service resource
National Cancer Institute of Mexico Advanced Microscopy Applications Unit Core Facility (RRID:SCR_022788)
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