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All Facilities >> Roswell Park Cancer Institute >> Flow and Image Cytometry Shared Resource (Flow Cytometry)
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Orla Maguire
Last Updated: 07/05/2024
This state-of-the-art facility provides advanced flow cytometric and morphology services at cellular and subcellular levels of resolution. The services offered by the Flow and Image Cytometry Shared Resources (FICSR) include investigator access to equipment 24/7, education and consultation services, comprehensive sample processing, data acquisition and data analysis services, luminex cytokine, chemokine and growth factor quantification, and core flow cytometry services for investigator and biotech sponsored clinical trials.
Services are offerred outside of Roswell Park Cancer Institute
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BD LSRFortessa Fortessa Flow Cytometer
BD LSRFortessa cell analyzer offers the ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing power, performance, and consistency. Designed to be and expandable, the BD LSRFortessa has the flexibility to support the expanding needs of multicolor flow cytometry assays. The BD LSRFortessa system can be configured with up to 7 lasers*,blue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. The instrument can accommodate the detection of up to 18 colors simultaneously with a defined set of optical filters that meet or exceed the majority of today's assay requirements. BD FACSDiva software controls the efficient setup, acquisition, and analysis of flow cytometry data from the BD LSRFortessa workstation. The software is common across BD FACS instrument families, including the BD FACSCanto cell analyzer and BD FACSAria cell sorter systems. [Product Link]
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BD LSRFortessa X-20 Fortessa Flow Cytometer
BD LSRFortessa cell analyzer offers the ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing power, performance, and consistency. Designed to be and expandable, the BD LSRFortessa has the flexibility to support the expanding needs of multicolor flow cytometry assays. The BD LSRFortessa system can be configured with up to 7 lasers*,blue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. The instrument can accommodate the detection of up to 18 colors simultaneously with a defined set of optical filters that meet or exceed the majority of today's assay requirements. BD FACSDiva software controls the efficient setup, acquisition, and analysis of flow cytometry data from the BD LSRFortessa workstation. The software is common across BD FACS instrument families, including the BD FACSCanto cell analyzer and BD FACSAria cell sorter systems. [Product Link]
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Cytek Aurora Spectral Analyzer
Prodigy incorporating a combination of patent-pending technologies that takes flow cytometry to the next level of performance and flexibility. With up to five lasers, three scattering channels, and 64 fluorescence channels, the Aurora suits every laboratory's needs, from to high complexity applications. A paradigm shifting optical design provides unprecedented flexibility, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring your system for each application. The state-of-the-art optics and low-noise electronics provide excellent sensitivity and resolution. Flat-top beam profiles, combined with a ly designed fluidics system, translate to outstanding performance at high sample flow rates. [Product Link]
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ImageStream-X, Image Analyzer (4 lasers/10 colors) Multiple
ImageStreamX Mk II System is a benchtop, multispectral, imaging flow cytometer designed for the acquisition of up to 12 channels of cellular imagery. By collecting large numbers of digital images per sample and providing a numerical representation of image-based features, the ImageStreamX Mk II combines the per cell information content provided by standard microscopy with the statistical significance afforded by large sample sizes common to standard flow cytometry. With the ImageStreamX Mk II System, fluorescence intensity measurements are acquired as with a conventional flow cytometer; however, the best applications for the ImageStreamX Mk II take advantage of the system's imaging abilities to locate and quantitate the distribution of signals on in or between cells. [Product Link]
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Institution ROR ID:
USEDit, ABRF, flow cytometric and morphology services
Resource Type:
core facility, access service resource, service resource
Roswell Park Cancer Institute Flow and Image Cytometry Shared Resource Core Facility (RRID:SCR_022313)
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