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All Facilities >> Unidad de Microscopia IIBO-UNAM
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Miguel Tapia
Last Updated: 10/27/2023
Microscopy Core Facility located in CDMX, Mexico, specialized in stereology techniques, live cell imaging, CLSM (confocal microscopy), and STORM.
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Brightfield Microscope With Axial Sectioning Capability
Computer-assisted Neuron Tracing And Analysis
Confocal/ Super Resolution Microscope
Fluorescence Microscope With Optical Sectioning Capability
Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
Nikon A1R Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
Fully automated A1 offers standard paired galvanometers with high resolution scanning at up to 4096 x 4096 pixels. The A1R model incorporates a hybrid scanner system utilizing a high speed resonant galvanometer capable of acquisitions up to 240 frames per second. Both scanners can be used simultaneously for experiments requiring acquisition and photoactivation by concurrently scanning the specimen. This supports advanced research methods using photoactivation fluorescence proteins and facilitates high-speed, live-cell work with a huge array of new imaging strategies. A spectral imaging detector further enables the A1 and A1R models to obtain up to 32 discreet spectral bandwidths of data in one acquisition, with spectral unmixing capabilities. The total system is controlled through NIS-Elements C applications software, which also enables full control of the Nikon Ti-E research inverted microscope equipped with Nikon's Focus System (PFS), widefield CCD cameras and an array of hardware devices. [Product Link]
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Olympus IX71 Inverted Microscope
Inverted estative equipped with widefield fluorescence and phase contrast system.
Zeiss LSM 5 Pascal Confocal Microscope
Mounted on an upright Zeiss Axioscope-2, laser lines 458, 488, 514, 543 y 633nm, DIC.
Olympus BX51WI DSU WideField Fluorescence Microscope
Upright estative equipped with motorized stage, a disk scanning unit (DSU) and MBF StereoInvestigator software.
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USEDit, ABRF, stereology techniques, live cell imaging, confocal microscopy, STORM
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service resource, access service resource, core facility
National Autonomous University of Mexico Microscopy Core Facility (RRID:SCR_022204)
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