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Forsyth-MicroCT Core (microCT)

The Forsyth Institute

245 First St

Cambridge, MA 02142

United States

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Primary Contact:

Jennifer Gundrum

Last Updated: 05/04/2021

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The Forsyth Micro Computed Tomography (microCT) Core offers micro 3D X-ray imaging of small samples in high resolution and will provide images and quantitative analyses of internal structures of ex vivo samples without any destructive procedures. The Scanco μCT40 system allows for visualization, measurement, and quantification of the structure of mineralized specimens. Contrast reagents permit visualization of soft tissue structures such as blood vessels. This system creates a three-dimensional model from a stack of two-dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation. The high-resolution scanner can capture detail at a resolution of 6 to 32 microns. The non- destructive nature of this technology allows investigators to carry out complementary analyses of the same sample. There are two dedicated workstations for analyzing microCT data, the SCANCO analysis software or the Amira software package with XImagePAQ extension.

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